4 little furballs and 4 huge furballs made my day today. And if all goes well, two little kittens will follow me home in a week's time. Riley and Wiley have made their way into my (as well as bro's) heart with their soulful eyes.
Now everybody go "awwww" with me.
This weekend is a welcoming mini-break I got to enjoy after handing up my assignments - a trip to Vivocity to watch The Departed, a great weekend of floorball and time-juggling, a fuzzy time with the kittens and finally, claypot rice at Geylang.
Now I am burdened once more with assignments and projects due in the next 2 weeks. Haven't been able to attend job-briefings because of such a tight schedule, and it annoys me not to be able to accomodate everything into my schedule. I swear if I drive (and own a car), I will pack my schedule in packets of 15 minutes to reach the particular venue.
eg. Breakfast appointment at 10am. Haircut at 11.30am (leave breakfast by 11.15am). Meeting at 12.30pm (leave salon by 12.15pm). Another meeting at another venue at 4pm (leave current meeting at 3.30pm to get stuff ready etc.) You get my point. That's almost disgusting.
I have probably a line of coffee dates waiting for me to get back in touch with my friends, those whom I owe a little of my time to. Nobody can blame me for the lifestyle I have chosen to lead, for the priorities I have chosen to set. My social circle is an important aspect of my life that keeps me alive - without my friends I would be a very different person indeed. Perhaps this is what resulted from growing up as an only child - I have become inter-dependent on friends, a self-centred individual whose aim is to accomplish her given opportunities in life at all costs almost recklessly.
The abscence of my dad in my life now has also taught me the importance of family and how important my mum is to me and how more important I am to her. I spent a grand total of less than 10 hours awake at home, with perhaps 3 hours interaction time with my mum this weekend due to floorball friendly matches on Sunday. It wasn't a very nice feeling I get, I miss my mum alot because I miss my conversations with her over tea (that she will make for me personally) and our weekly bitchins' about life. It makes me wonder why I was so eager to get back to school on a Sunday night last year.
Over the past few years of university, I have adopted a crazy sleep-wake cycle as well. Vampyric status as proclaimed by a certain Mr J, it is 6.15am as I am typing this now. I'm all ready for breakfast in 45 minutes' time. I live a crazy lifestyle, as labelled by my friends, but what the hell, I am enjoying it. Though it wears me out at times.
Eyes are closing. So, sleep has beckoned.
Sunday, October 22, 2006Now everybody go "awwww" with me.
This weekend is a welcoming mini-break I got to enjoy after handing up my assignments - a trip to Vivocity to watch The Departed, a great weekend of floorball and time-juggling, a fuzzy time with the kittens and finally, claypot rice at Geylang.
Now I am burdened once more with assignments and projects due in the next 2 weeks. Haven't been able to attend job-briefings because of such a tight schedule, and it annoys me not to be able to accomodate everything into my schedule. I swear if I drive (and own a car), I will pack my schedule in packets of 15 minutes to reach the particular venue.
eg. Breakfast appointment at 10am. Haircut at 11.30am (leave breakfast by 11.15am). Meeting at 12.30pm (leave salon by 12.15pm). Another meeting at another venue at 4pm (leave current meeting at 3.30pm to get stuff ready etc.) You get my point. That's almost disgusting.
I have probably a line of coffee dates waiting for me to get back in touch with my friends, those whom I owe a little of my time to. Nobody can blame me for the lifestyle I have chosen to lead, for the priorities I have chosen to set. My social circle is an important aspect of my life that keeps me alive - without my friends I would be a very different person indeed. Perhaps this is what resulted from growing up as an only child - I have become inter-dependent on friends, a self-centred individual whose aim is to accomplish her given opportunities in life at all costs almost recklessly.
The abscence of my dad in my life now has also taught me the importance of family and how important my mum is to me and how more important I am to her. I spent a grand total of less than 10 hours awake at home, with perhaps 3 hours interaction time with my mum this weekend due to floorball friendly matches on Sunday. It wasn't a very nice feeling I get, I miss my mum alot because I miss my conversations with her over tea (that she will make for me personally) and our weekly bitchins' about life. It makes me wonder why I was so eager to get back to school on a Sunday night last year.
Over the past few years of university, I have adopted a crazy sleep-wake cycle as well. Vampyric status as proclaimed by a certain Mr J, it is 6.15am as I am typing this now. I'm all ready for breakfast in 45 minutes' time. I live a crazy lifestyle, as labelled by my friends, but what the hell, I am enjoying it. Though it wears me out at times.
Eyes are closing. So, sleep has beckoned.
Tong Shui madness struck again last Tuesday, after floorball training.
Best part is, I've got Bro addicted. Muahahahaha.

And, finally. On a great Saturday. (:

Lately, I've been asked a common question. "Why do you live such a hectic life and you're not doing anything about it?"
There is a reason why my blog address reads "Living life, loving it." I live by that, and I enjoy stretching myself to the limits. Joining another IVP has just added a new dimension and focus in my life just when I thought all is about to settle down.
The fire within still burns as strongly. Be careful though, don't get yourself burnt.
Sunday, October 15, 2006Best part is, I've got Bro addicted. Muahahahaha.

And, finally. On a great Saturday. (:

Lately, I've been asked a common question. "Why do you live such a hectic life and you're not doing anything about it?"
There is a reason why my blog address reads "Living life, loving it." I live by that, and I enjoy stretching myself to the limits. Joining another IVP has just added a new dimension and focus in my life just when I thought all is about to settle down.
The fire within still burns as strongly. Be careful though, don't get yourself burnt.
These photos are long long way overdue. Too many happenings in my life, both the eventful and uneventful. Deadlines for my projects are looming up, and I'm beginning to feel the urgency. Its scary, to have 5 projects/assignments/videos (no, make it 6 considering I have one more coming up soon) due in 2 weeks.
Deja vu.
Last semester, I had 6 assignments due in 2 weeks too. Alamak.

I've been eating at Tong Shui...

Just check out the cheese baked rice. Yummy.

And indulging in Swensen's apple crumble.

Wakeboarded aplenty. I need more watertime.

And found a new make-out spot.
But too bad, I'm not one for cramped spaces in the interiors of cars; neither do I like the idea of having the imprint of a *insert random car logo* inked on my butt nor the risk of leaning too hard on the steering wheel and sounding the horn...I can go on, really but you get my point - its just a nice quiet area with such serenity that is almost absent in Singapore.
Monday, October 09, 2006Deja vu.
Last semester, I had 6 assignments due in 2 weeks too. Alamak.

I've been eating at Tong Shui...

Just check out the cheese baked rice. Yummy.

And indulging in Swensen's apple crumble.

Wakeboarded aplenty. I need more watertime.

And found a new make-out spot.
But too bad, I'm not one for cramped spaces in the interiors of cars; neither do I like the idea of having the imprint of a *insert random car logo* inked on my butt nor the risk of leaning too hard on the steering wheel and sounding the horn...I can go on, really but you get my point - its just a nice quiet area with such serenity that is almost absent in Singapore.
Silje Nergaard - I Don't Want to See You Cry
Sunday, October 08, 2006There is no tender way to say it's the end
And so win or lose
I am forced to choose
Between a lover and a loving friend
Let me hear you say
How you curse the day
You opened up your heart to me
That you ever invited me in
Tell me I'm the loser and you win
I don't want to see you cry
I beg you try
Not to let the pain I'm causing reach your eyes
I don't want to see you cry
Aim your words like spears
Don't break me up by breaking down in tears
Hide your pain but when push comes to shove
Don't keep your pride
Locked deep inside
Rage against the dying of my love
Don't sigh my name
Give me all the blame
Call me heartless call me cruel
And accuse me of dealing in lies
Just don't let my leaving cloud your eyes
I don't want to see you cry
I beg you try
Not to let the pain I'm causing reach your eyes
I don't want to see you cry
Aim your words like spears
Don't break me up by breaking down in tears
Dreams come... dreams go
Some fade... some grow
Dream on, dream on
You've got no dream on
After I've gone
I opened Pandora's Box by an accident, and now I am closing it again.
...because it doesn't matter to me (:
I'm taking a step (and a few more) back for now. Too much running away has tired me out.
Thursday, October 05, 2006...because it doesn't matter to me (:
I'm taking a step (and a few more) back for now. Too much running away has tired me out.
I miss...
...the essence of good written/spoken English.
I had the most wonderful conversation via email with an acquaintance I met not long ago, and I enjoy conversing with him simply because his sentences flow. It makes reading digital text a joy and spurs one on to reply in the same manner. Yin and Yang, being parallel opposites in the social context we both are based in, "joined together only by the horizon of good english, fine grooming and love for food." (as quoted.)
Of course, I still enjoy conversations with friends around; the "lah"s, "aiyoh"s and Singlish with staccatos of Hokkien still serve their good purpose when it comes to normal conversation styles. I can't be speaking like a pompous British lady, really. My friends will happily drop me and go. Hah.
...the strong pulsating progressions of trance.
Most unfortunately, my iPod Shuffle recently died on me and I realise I cannot do long runs without my trance and dance. Music drives me on like no other element (not even watching TV while running in the gym measures up to it). The progressions are addictive, you keep listening, waiting, appreciating, anticipating - and when the climax sneaks its way in its almost magnificent. Without music, I cannot ignore the numbing pain in my ankle, I cannot run long and far. Without music, my room will be nothing but merely B220. Without music, life is meaningless.
...trail running/riding.
The sound of dirt scrunching under your shoe sole as you inhale in lush greenery (okay S'pore not say very lush. Haha), the sound of bicycle tyres skidding in the dirt as you whip your body weight against the pull of gravity. Ah. I just rescued my old boy from Eusoff and this bike sure looks like it can use a good greasing session. The front brakes have broken and I'm headed to the repair shop in a while. Then its back to riding the winds at night.
Its potato chips, just in case some people think he's my boyfriend or something. 'nuff said.
grooving to music, working the shoulders, abs and hips in ways one could never imagine. Not like I'm damn good at it but its a good all-body workout.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006...the essence of good written/spoken English.
I had the most wonderful conversation via email with an acquaintance I met not long ago, and I enjoy conversing with him simply because his sentences flow. It makes reading digital text a joy and spurs one on to reply in the same manner. Yin and Yang, being parallel opposites in the social context we both are based in, "joined together only by the horizon of good english, fine grooming and love for food." (as quoted.)
Of course, I still enjoy conversations with friends around; the "lah"s, "aiyoh"s and Singlish with staccatos of Hokkien still serve their good purpose when it comes to normal conversation styles. I can't be speaking like a pompous British lady, really. My friends will happily drop me and go. Hah.
...the strong pulsating progressions of trance.
Most unfortunately, my iPod Shuffle recently died on me and I realise I cannot do long runs without my trance and dance. Music drives me on like no other element (not even watching TV while running in the gym measures up to it). The progressions are addictive, you keep listening, waiting, appreciating, anticipating - and when the climax sneaks its way in its almost magnificent. Without music, I cannot ignore the numbing pain in my ankle, I cannot run long and far. Without music, my room will be nothing but merely B220. Without music, life is meaningless.
...trail running/riding.
The sound of dirt scrunching under your shoe sole as you inhale in lush greenery (okay S'pore not say very lush. Haha), the sound of bicycle tyres skidding in the dirt as you whip your body weight against the pull of gravity. Ah. I just rescued my old boy from Eusoff and this bike sure looks like it can use a good greasing session. The front brakes have broken and I'm headed to the repair shop in a while. Then its back to riding the winds at night.
Its potato chips, just in case some people think he's my boyfriend or something. 'nuff said.
grooving to music, working the shoulders, abs and hips in ways one could never imagine. Not like I'm damn good at it but its a good all-body workout.
If I were to open up a fortune cookie, it will say, "You're going through a rough period now. Relationships are strained, money does not flow easily. Tread very carefully."
...or something like that.
Must be karma. (but, what karma?)
I've been made to learn a $289-worth lesson of how money ruins relationships. After learning from that lesson, I encountered a $65 refresher course on how money changes friendships to business dealings. You don't pay, you suffer. Okay loh.
Today, I'm reminded again why I should not be so nice to others. Blame it on a guy who has breached moral values and trust.
And I'm scared. Scared of an accident waiting to happen. You know the kind of feeling when obstacles keep popping out of nowhere and causing you to stumble. Cash flow's becoming stable, that's one problem down, but somehow, I feel my body tensing up for a really huge blow coming my way.
And I wonder.
...or something like that.
Must be karma. (but, what karma?)
I've been made to learn a $289-worth lesson of how money ruins relationships. After learning from that lesson, I encountered a $65 refresher course on how money changes friendships to business dealings. You don't pay, you suffer. Okay loh.
Today, I'm reminded again why I should not be so nice to others. Blame it on a guy who has breached moral values and trust.
And I'm scared. Scared of an accident waiting to happen. You know the kind of feeling when obstacles keep popping out of nowhere and causing you to stumble. Cash flow's becoming stable, that's one problem down, but somehow, I feel my body tensing up for a really huge blow coming my way.
And I wonder.