
Saturday, January 31, 2004

Internet Explorer down, here comes Mozilla as a temporary substitute.

I haven't got enough of blogging. Come to think of it, Mozilla isn't that bad. Yay. Meanwhile, I feel better. Funny how I've gotten so reliant on the Internet lately - entertainment, information, mobile, thoughts, laments. Have been trying to find clothes that are suitable for both working and future university life so that I won't have to waste (more) money buying clothes. Very difficult.

Started loving heels recently, bought this pair of black strappy sandals with about 2 inch heels, wore them to work once and was practically breathing the fresh air above everybodys' heads. *grin* And I realised many Singaporean guys are short. With those extra 2 inches, I probably come up to about 176cm in height...and there are only a few who still manage to look over my head. Hah.

Daryl said that if I continue wearing heels, no men will want to date me. I'm starting to think so too. Hahahahahahaa.

And I realised if you have a blister but no plaster a piece of scotch-tape directly over the blister will do the trick.

11:42 PM

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I am finally back blogging. No, not because my Internet Explorer (which has been down) has bounced back to life again, it is because I'm keying in an entry from my neighbour's computer.

When it rains, it pours.

First, the shit with my mum adapting to my 19 yr old life, then my handphone drowning, and now my IE is down. *lets out a good old fashioned wail* Hmmm. Oh yesssss! And I got my dream phone! *grin* Anyway, enough whining from me, I probably whine too much everyday and now have to suffer the consequences. HAH. Relaxing at home on a Saturday morning/afternoon is so wonderful..woke up this morning and went for a run (finally.), followed by a waxing session and..and...tried my neighbour's home-made jelly. Mmmmm~ Nice.

Getting bogged down by work this past week...lotsa things to do at my workplace, which is kind of good because I like being kept busy. But, working life sucks. It leaves you no time for a chat with friends, no time for self-leisure and...I don't know. Its like, work - lunch - work - go home - bathe - dinner - wash dishes - decide what to wear - and one plus hour free before I turn in. Such agony.

Embracing 19 soon. My colleagues say its a beautiful age, but I think 18 is really sweet. The age where you have just enough freedom to roam about and yet not having to worry about work and life. I don't want to grow old.

Okay, before Saturday runs off again, I had better get down to enjoying it.

12:23 PM

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Thursday, January 22, 2004

I think I've gained 5kg over the past 2 fabulous dinners. Mum cooked alot.

I hear mahjong tiles, I hear the gongs announcing the approach of a lion dance troop, I hear my stomach complaining that its too full. Welcome Lunar New Year. First day and some idiot has to brag to me that he has collected $3000+ in ang bao money. *bitch in me starts to kick in* Rich? So? Buy me a phone. Your collection for the first 5 hours into CNY is equivalent to my earnings in 3 months. Of course that kid doesn't know that - he only knows he gets a monthly allowance of perhaps at least $500, and that isn't enough for his survival.

Spoilt brats.

Anyway, I decided to quote something off this poster's caption that my mum bought for me ages ago. Some may have heard it already, but well. For entertainment's sake. *grin*

Sex is like snow...You never know how many inches you are going to get or how long it will last. Think again. My mum bought it for me and pasted it above my bed. I'm still very amused by it.

9:07 PM

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Monday, January 19, 2004

I can wear Zara's size S for a particular pair of pants!

Rigggghhhtt. I forsee my readers rolling their eyes upon this statement. Come to think of it, that pair of pants I bought was indeed an S size, but with its hip measurement so huge that that pants hangs on my butt (just the way I want it) and the pant legs stretches all the way to..err..to..15cm beyond my toes. Yeah. (That probably suggests that people of that height ought to have a hipsize of my hips. ie. I'm not the right size!)


On top of that I bought another pair of slippers that cost $5. Yeah, $5! *silly grin* Didn't buy anything else though. Maybe I ought to head back to Heeren to check out that maroon top that caught my eye again. Though its too expensive for a PLAIN sleeveless top. I realise I sound rather like an airhead, always talking about my shopping trips and what I bought/saw/wanted to buy etc. I ought to stop. -_-

Got approached by this lady who mentioned something about her working for an advertisment company and they are in search of new faces. Me, model calibre? hahahahaha. I am tickled.

I think it is a shame that people smoke. They should never have introduced tobacco into the human world. Saw a couple of well dressed, good looking ladies and young men today, they looked so well-groomed and even, attractive. Until I saw them holding a cigarette between their fingers and pursing their lips to puff away smoke. *sigh* Why?

I probably made like a hundred calls during work today, picked up the phone and my ear never left it for more than 10 minutes - lasted from 9am to 5.40pm making calls to directors/presidents/managers to invite them to this cocktail function that HSBC is going to host. I bet I can beat Rudolph hands down when it comes to matching my red ears up against his red nose. Anyway, the bonus was that I got to hear (and talk to) many lovely male voices, especially those of ang mohs. Its simply amazing how so many male voices sound lovely when they speak perfect English (coupled with a soft trace of accent with a sing-song quality). *swoons* Before my poor dear has to start worrying, I assure you that I merely love those voices. Period.

I ought to listen to more songs. I have developed a love for singing (really!) especially when I'm in the toilet/listening to my mp3s/walking along the streets. And not just humming/singing softly. As in, really working my diaghram. (is that how you spell it?)

Long rainy day. Its such a perfect day to stay at home with a bowl of warm cream based soup and my Reader's Digest. For tonight, I shall forget about SATs. Oh, and I got so pissed with my students yesterday. Uggggh. I don't know what they were busy with, but all...all of them obviously didn't practise their pieces. Driving me nuts lah, these children. *groans*

9:11 PM

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Friday, January 16, 2004

Almost a week has passed. Started work at HSBC building since Monday, that probably explains why I don't have time/don't feel like/got other things to do and therefore - no updates.

Phone died on me..it decided to drown itself before my very eyes. *sigh* No more 8250...well. That means I get to have a new phone! (yeah but I pay. how nice.) Still eyeing the Samsung S300, because the diamond phone (Samsung T500) costs like...$600-$700+ and I simply don't have the ability to cough up so much cash at one time. Not to mention that my POSB savings are depleting (fast) and I'll have to earn the money back a.s.a.p.

Better still, Bernie is now working in Raffles Place as well, meaning I can meet her for lunch anytime. *grin* Having to work means I only have the night to spare, and these days have been spent playing some Mario game (thanks to Daryl who sent it to me. *grin*) and doing SATs. Finally, a breather tomorrow, which I'm gonna spend shopping with my darrrrrrrrrrling. hah! Then back to work on Sunday again. Haiyoh.

I realise there are no more handphone offers in the newspapers these days. What happened to the many phone deals in the past!? Grrrrr. And why doesn't mum want to pay like...even 1/4 of the price of my phone? *sniffs*

Bought a pair of flats from VNC today! They are shinyyyyyyy. Erm. And I want to buy more. Tomorrow is shopping day!!!!!!! I need clothes. My colleagues are complaining they keep seeing me in the same type of clothes. *grumbles* Speaking of colleagues, I think they are so much nicer than the others I have encountered in other places...super nice to the temp staff and everything, you don't see anybody scolding anybody at all..very peaceful.

Few of my friends have went into the army, sigh. There goes William, my cycling khaki. *sad* And I mourn for Junqiang's hair. *evil smile* Ra-hahahahahahaha. "Byebye hair!" Ah. Better not be mean before my hair starts falling out. And I need a haircut! (But I'm so cheapskate as to wait for this hair salon to call me up to be a model for their demonstration to students so that I can get a free haircut.)

10:41 PM

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Saturday, January 10, 2004

Have you plucked your nose hair today?? Hilarious of hilarious. *silly grin*

Funny, I have not gone training for quite a while. 3 weeks? Yeah, and deliberately skipped another training session today. *ponders* Has my passion for bowling simply faded away? Or has it been masked by the desire to earn more money? Another one of XP's typical mess. *shakes head*

2:50 PM

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Thursday, January 08, 2004

Had a high fever that couldn't go down for the past 3 days, only till last night it went down, thank God. I was worried to pieces when my forehead was burning hot for 3 days straight. Now I have the damn irritating dry cough to tackle, as well as being resigned to the fact that I can't speak very loudly these days.

TKGS finally called me to relief teach on Wednesday, but it meant getting up at 6am in the morning to be there at 7.15am. *rubs tired eyes* It feels different being a teacher, standing behind the students instead of being a student back then. Freedom to walk about without being wary of the DM, not having to greet teachers...too bad I'm just a temp. $65 a day just to sit in a class, give out worksheets and leave the students to finish up the assignment given. 5.5 working hours. Oh man. What a job.

We still come upon crossroads in our lives.

Relief teaching is no doubt of very good pay, but it really depends on when they call you up. Imagine sitting by the phone everyday just to wait for a phonecall to say that "oh, can you come tomorrow? thank you". Found another admin job at HSBC bank, nearly got lost while trying to find that damn building today. Had to be interviewed by this lady in charge of me, and her two bosses as well. Ratherrrr intidimating I must say. Don't know if I'll have any time left for myself or for him, since Mondays to Fridays, and Sundays are workdays for me. Blahz. I didn't expect to be chucked into this end. It simply varies from one extreme to the other. Planned to relief teach/teach piano and set enough time aside for bowling training 2-3 times a week. Now? Only Sat free. Fair enough. If i choose to train on Sat, there goes my free time. Very pretty.

Went to watch School of Rock!! Marvelous show, thanks (alot!) to those who have highly recommended it. Its kinda inspiring, funny, amazing..erm. Actually I was appalled by the spycam installed along the corridor to check if the principal is coming. *grin* Lucky kids, they don't get scrutinised 24/7 through open windows and doors like we do. HAHAHA. Oh well. I'm just basically happy to see him after a very long time.

Plus, my mum forgot to pay up for my Singnet Broadband, so I was without the net for about 2 days. Realised how reliant I am on the internet to relieve my boredom. And. No more allowance for me! *gasps* I ought to find a gold mine NOW.

The boss asked me this: Why, in the first place, do you want to go out and find a job when you have 6 months to rest and do other things you really want to do?
My answer? I need the cash. And of course, to experience the outside world as compared to the sheltered lives I had back in my school days
Come to think of it. Yeah. I want to stay 18. Sweet 18. No commitments, no need to find a job in order to pay your bills household expenses luxury items shopping blah blah. And all the time you have to yourself, family and friends.

2 freaking more weeks to SATs!!! And I have yet to get a single SAT book to practise on. Better collect it from my junior tomorrow when I pass by. *mumble* Better drop Xtina a "hi" too.

cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough <--abracadabra. disappear now. (so that I can eat Old Chang Kee's squid frittle, Mac's $1.80 Fillet-O-Fish, and fried rice.)

6:09 PM

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Monday, January 05, 2004

Something's wrong with Blogger. *mutters*

Anyway, I'm still gonna leave my laments here (for no reason I suppose). The past week or two has been a badddd week. I am convinced that (i)I'm really hopeless, (ii)my mum has high expectations of me, (iii)my mum has PMS.

I've been getting yelled at for no rhyme or reason at almost every minute of the day. Returning home is like returning to war-zone. *sigH* Had this major argument about her not seeing enough of me, about me going out too much to avoid her, about...I dunno! Just when things have begun to settle down (since I'm leave house on Sundays for a practical reason - my job), I had to drop my phone into some drain in the toilet, and yes, its spoilt. *sniff* No phone until I get my next 2 pay cheques or something...and not to mention that Mum has been going on non-stop about my stupidity and how I always do not cherish my things because I don't have to pay for them. Damn. I hate my stupidity. Is that the end? No. I fell sick. Mum now yells at me for not taking good care of myself and not maintaining my health by taking Vitamin C (what kinda stupid logic is that?). Bah.

Well. Still can't find a weekday job.

2:12 PM

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Friday, January 02, 2004

Oh my GOD. They started charging me the adult fare!!!! *mortified* Suddenly, the need to walk and cycle short distances becomes stronger, and the need to find a damn job (oh man) touches upon a new level - desperate. omg. I can't believe it.

Tom Yam Fish Soup with G3!!!! The smooth texture of the fish, the tom yam flavour...mmmmm~ Heavenly. Anyway, didn't have time to stay and chat, missed the damn bus and had to hop into a cab, get Chu Yuet along the way and headed down to Cristofori. Brought like over 10 books home, studied my pathetic list of students and found out I've been cheated. *hollers* I get only 6 students out of an expected 8-10!!!! I feel cheated.

Private lessons are a must to add to my income. *mumbles*

I do hope TK has a vacancy for me to teach. Choose me out of those ex-girls who applied. Just choose me. *grin*

5:14 PM

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Thursday, January 01, 2004

2004 is here.

2003 was a hellish year for me, preparing for the A's; the stress of having to get decent results; mum's consistent nagging at me; friends, significant other, family, self and all. Traumatising. Anyway. Last night's countdown at Sentosa seemed rather, budget-planned. Couple of jokers kept bouncing behind Jamie Yeo and company, local bands suck, Jacelyn Tay can't shake. Well. Not to mention that the "some kinda foam party" only occured at one area (then what's the bloody use of it?) and the rest of the audience are just...dead. Really zombified in the sense they just stand there and gawk. (at what I don't know). Hah.

The "mum" factor is beginning to get on my nerves, and to make it worse, the "only-child" factor comes in as well. My mum is keeping a tighter rein on me now that my exams are over (and she knows that I don't have studies to make me stay home), grounding me on New Year's Eve (thank you very much) and New Year's and god-knows-when-else. There's only one word to describe it all - fucked.

Anyway, that was 2003. With luck, I'll be able to get a job and have every perfect excuse not to be caged up at home. *beams* Oh and I just remembered about SATs. Damn. And of course, I shall keep to my resolutions this time. They are, in a sense, more attainable. *grin*

12:54 PM

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| The Girl |
Just bummin' around
With too much on her mind,
and too limited words to say.

| Living life, Loving it |
music, singing, gerberas, iridiscence, glass bottles, shot glasses, outdoors, sports, writing, milo-peng, earrings, gem stones, bikinis, food, denim skirts, indulgence.

| Reads |
Boo Honk
Cai Xia
Hong Yi
Ming Zhen
The Great Jer

| Frozen in time |

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Past musings
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