Happy Birthday my dear. (: Its still a little early, but heck I'm kiasu.
I've been told that I have changed.
"You seemed more fiesty these days."
"I don't know which side of you I'm seeing anymore."
"Let's just be acquaintances..."
Honestly, I do not really mind. On my part (which you as usual went on and didn't allow me a word in) I have no idea which side of you I'm seeing as well. You said you were a serious guy, someone who hates the nonsensical fun of orientation camps, therefore I was surprised when you behaved otherwise. Then again, I forgot the most important element - there were enough hot babes to get you going huh? Just like I might say there were enough hunks to bring out the social butterfly within me. I think its just a little too much to expect from normal friend status.
I spent the past 2 weeks trying to understand people, and I'm kinda happy to know I did. Through trying to understand my loved ones around me, friends and all alike - I got to know myself a little better. Change or no change, I'll embrace that and not suppress it. Meanwhile, keep up if you can. Better to build a network of opportunities whilst I'm still young, and leave "settling down" to a later part of my life.
Of course, do not think I have abandoned the emotional side of me. Its still there, just a little hidden away admist the flurry of activities that have swept me off my feet when the holidays started. Speaking of which, pictures are below ;)

Hot hot hot!!!!

Then the ladies.

Then the group (with Pageant Cell)

The studio.

Behind the cameras goofing around with my partner.

Thursday, July 27, 2006I've been told that I have changed.
"You seemed more fiesty these days."
"I don't know which side of you I'm seeing anymore."
"Let's just be acquaintances..."
Honestly, I do not really mind. On my part (which you as usual went on and didn't allow me a word in) I have no idea which side of you I'm seeing as well. You said you were a serious guy, someone who hates the nonsensical fun of orientation camps, therefore I was surprised when you behaved otherwise. Then again, I forgot the most important element - there were enough hot babes to get you going huh? Just like I might say there were enough hunks to bring out the social butterfly within me. I think its just a little too much to expect from normal friend status.
I spent the past 2 weeks trying to understand people, and I'm kinda happy to know I did. Through trying to understand my loved ones around me, friends and all alike - I got to know myself a little better. Change or no change, I'll embrace that and not suppress it. Meanwhile, keep up if you can. Better to build a network of opportunities whilst I'm still young, and leave "settling down" to a later part of my life.
Of course, do not think I have abandoned the emotional side of me. Its still there, just a little hidden away admist the flurry of activities that have swept me off my feet when the holidays started. Speaking of which, pictures are below ;)

Hot hot hot!!!!

Then the ladies.

Then the group (with Pageant Cell)

The studio.

Behind the cameras goofing around with my partner.

I'm tired. Each time somebody asks me what I have been doing the past few weeks, I pause for a moment. 2 weeks have passed since Sports Camp and I've been going out, training, doing work - and time simply seemed to fly by just like that?!
I've been busy, but I haven't been earning money. Oh dear.
Now in the process of trying to finish JupiTimes but my laptop is totally not cooperating. *exasperated sigh* Feel like getting a Powerbook to finish up these Photoshop stuffs as well as Sports Camp videos (which I haven't started on)...so many things which take up so much time but do not bring any revenue back. Sometimes I wonder why the hell I'm doing such things, really.
Feeling pretty bummed out after jogging 'bout 10km, nice to know that I've stamina for that but it is a little pressurising to have to maintain body image. *grumbles* Not that I'll go on a diet because I love food too much, but just that I have to exercise a little more. (:
School's starting in 2 weeks, from the looks of it I will be travelling to school from home for the first 2 weeks unless I miraculously get a room. All thanks to OSA I'm stuck in such a situation now, having to beg for a room when I have more points than half my peers out there. OSA screwed up my application back in March during the reapplication for hall rooms, claiming they did not receive my application and refuse to admit it was their fault. So I applied for Eusoff's Master appeal list, only to have them reject me - yeah for some political reason I do not wish to even think of - now stuck with no room and having to wait for the waiting list to open up once more.
Can't finish JupiTimes on time..............can't finish Sports Camp videos on time....
I need $$ too.............
Sigh. What a snowball of events. Too many to cope with, please don't add anymore onto me.
Sunday, July 16, 2006I've been busy, but I haven't been earning money. Oh dear.
Now in the process of trying to finish JupiTimes but my laptop is totally not cooperating. *exasperated sigh* Feel like getting a Powerbook to finish up these Photoshop stuffs as well as Sports Camp videos (which I haven't started on)...so many things which take up so much time but do not bring any revenue back. Sometimes I wonder why the hell I'm doing such things, really.
Feeling pretty bummed out after jogging 'bout 10km, nice to know that I've stamina for that but it is a little pressurising to have to maintain body image. *grumbles* Not that I'll go on a diet because I love food too much, but just that I have to exercise a little more. (:
School's starting in 2 weeks, from the looks of it I will be travelling to school from home for the first 2 weeks unless I miraculously get a room. All thanks to OSA I'm stuck in such a situation now, having to beg for a room when I have more points than half my peers out there. OSA screwed up my application back in March during the reapplication for hall rooms, claiming they did not receive my application and refuse to admit it was their fault. So I applied for Eusoff's Master appeal list, only to have them reject me - yeah for some political reason I do not wish to even think of - now stuck with no room and having to wait for the waiting list to open up once more.
Can't finish JupiTimes on time..............can't finish Sports Camp videos on time....
I need $$ too.............
Sigh. What a snowball of events. Too many to cope with, please don't add anymore onto me.
It is the time of the year again - holiday mood strikes me hard and fast this time around, almost immediately after Sports Camp.
Since Sports Camp ended I've been Sakae-ing, being a pok, sleeping in really late, Mambo-ing, KTV-ing, watching TV, rollerblading, bumming around..my sole purpose to enjoy myself before term starts and the assignments come crashing in.
Then I am called in to help my friend with his thesis. (Chris you owe me big time for this one) And I realised I have to design Jupitimes and churn it out soon too, before KL trip comes. Argh such time-consuming things to rush whilst I am still in my holiday-mood, trying to enjoy all I can whilst I can.
Things are looking up the sunny side for me at last ever since my vacation job with school camps have ended and the few weeks of no-exercise since I sprained my ankle. I'm finally able to go rollerblading at East Coast Park, and I'm back in action in floorball (though I'm really bad at changing directions abruptly now). Gonna arrange for a cable-ski session soon and its back into the sun for me again!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006Since Sports Camp ended I've been Sakae-ing, being a pok, sleeping in really late, Mambo-ing, KTV-ing, watching TV, rollerblading, bumming around..my sole purpose to enjoy myself before term starts and the assignments come crashing in.
Then I am called in to help my friend with his thesis. (Chris you owe me big time for this one) And I realised I have to design Jupitimes and churn it out soon too, before KL trip comes. Argh such time-consuming things to rush whilst I am still in my holiday-mood, trying to enjoy all I can whilst I can.
Things are looking up the sunny side for me at last ever since my vacation job with school camps have ended and the few weeks of no-exercise since I sprained my ankle. I'm finally able to go rollerblading at East Coast Park, and I'm back in action in floorball (though I'm really bad at changing directions abruptly now). Gonna arrange for a cable-ski session soon and its back into the sun for me again!
Its been quite a while since I last blogged. Pictures await below. (:
First, there was the 36/02 potluck gathering. Good to see Astri back in town, and looking around I realised how much we have matured, everybody there looked so good. Qi Cong was just making a remark on how we have known one another for 4 years, and 4 years later we might just be attending someone's wedding. Come to think of it, that's pretty true.

that's us.

that's me, huiyu, astri and christina.

oh the food, just check out the food.
And of course, there was the annual Sports Camp - Hit that SPORT! for this yr's theme. More pictures can be accessed via my Flickr.
Sports Camp - Hit that Sport! 06'

Back to normal life for me, till semester starts 3 weeks later.
Saturday, July 01, 2006First, there was the 36/02 potluck gathering. Good to see Astri back in town, and looking around I realised how much we have matured, everybody there looked so good. Qi Cong was just making a remark on how we have known one another for 4 years, and 4 years later we might just be attending someone's wedding. Come to think of it, that's pretty true.

that's us.

that's me, huiyu, astri and christina.

oh the food, just check out the food.
And of course, there was the annual Sports Camp - Hit that SPORT! for this yr's theme. More pictures can be accessed via my Flickr.
Sports Camp - Hit that Sport! 06'

Back to normal life for me, till semester starts 3 weeks later.
Hell hath no fury like a woman with PMS.
I swear it was PMS, being stuck at home with zero activity for the entire week, not being able to find an ankle guard after walking the entire Tampines, talking to senseless people and a horrible behind-schedule Friday that snowballed into one grumpy XP. I unleashed my frustration upon several people, especially those closest to me, and I regret instantaneously overtook me. Regret then turned to annoyance at myself for venting my frustrations on my closest ones, and I had to vent it on them again - thus the downward spiral began.
Yes you are right, it is indeed ironic I should choose to let our closest ones suffer for such things. Things like not being able to spend enough time with them, yet I choose to spend that precious time with them being grumpy, venting my pent-up frustrations on them, only to cause further hurt and perhaps deep regret on my part later.
This issue came up twice, thrice - I don't know - and it seems to be affecting you lots. I suppose I am not really the best there is, though I have definitely heard many other female companions who are twice as unreasonable as me. I don't ever want to go near there myself, because I scorn such women - those who are materialistic, possessive, selfish, unreasonable etc.
It is enough that busy schedules do not allow frequent 'pok' days, it is particularly why I am so unhappy about time being wasted by factors that are beyond my control. And yes, I get annoyed when things do not go my way - I will make such a terrible female boss in future.
"You don't have to apologize for who you are." I must, and I'm truly sorry for today. It is not so much about an independent me anymore, as much as I like it. It is about something else more. (:
On a lighter note, Sports Camp banner is finished!
I swear it was PMS, being stuck at home with zero activity for the entire week, not being able to find an ankle guard after walking the entire Tampines, talking to senseless people and a horrible behind-schedule Friday that snowballed into one grumpy XP. I unleashed my frustration upon several people, especially those closest to me, and I regret instantaneously overtook me. Regret then turned to annoyance at myself for venting my frustrations on my closest ones, and I had to vent it on them again - thus the downward spiral began.
Yes you are right, it is indeed ironic I should choose to let our closest ones suffer for such things. Things like not being able to spend enough time with them, yet I choose to spend that precious time with them being grumpy, venting my pent-up frustrations on them, only to cause further hurt and perhaps deep regret on my part later.
This issue came up twice, thrice - I don't know - and it seems to be affecting you lots. I suppose I am not really the best there is, though I have definitely heard many other female companions who are twice as unreasonable as me. I don't ever want to go near there myself, because I scorn such women - those who are materialistic, possessive, selfish, unreasonable etc.
It is enough that busy schedules do not allow frequent 'pok' days, it is particularly why I am so unhappy about time being wasted by factors that are beyond my control. And yes, I get annoyed when things do not go my way - I will make such a terrible female boss in future.
"You don't have to apologize for who you are." I must, and I'm truly sorry for today. It is not so much about an independent me anymore, as much as I like it. It is about something else more. (:
On a lighter note, Sports Camp banner is finished!