I was just having a little chat with my mum today and she was bitchin' about how annoying Singaporeans can be on public transport and how rude they could be while responding to customer service.
My mum works at the reception counter/cashier's counter, and she deals with irritable customers who have weird diseases, problems and ailments all day. She recalls cases whereby patients shout at her, "Why are you smiling when I'm shouting at you? Very funny is it?" or "Okay fine no eating or drinking in the clinic huh? FINE! *later the patient snatches her son's can of Coke away and gulps it down and returns my mum a triumphant glare*" Tsk, is that how Singaporeans behave these days?
Interesting things have happened to me on the MRT as well. I had a grumpy old man TSK-ed very loudly at me and jabbed me many a time in the arm when I was just minding my own business. Got so annoyed at him and I raised my voice a little and went "What's your problem!" thinking that he wanted to take advantage of me or something. He just TSK-ed even louder before moving off to 3 empty seats opposite him.
I had ang moh businessmen trying to snuggle up to me on the MRT by inching really close. Tried jabbing them and at the same time making space for my elbows but that didn't really work. They ended up opening their legs really big and rubbing against the sides of my legs. One bugger ended having his shin kicked because I was that pissed off and I pulled it off with a very sweet, "Oh I'm so sorry!". Such pervs.
Oh and the latest interesting incident! I forgot to mention it in my blog posts because I had so much fun that day, I really forgot when, but I was sitting on one of the MRT seats with a huge bag, my laptop opened, my floorball stick beside me and my shoebag at my feet. An old lady was standing in front of me, and this man in his 40s? sitting next to me had the cheek to tell me off about not giving up my seat for an old lady. My reply? "How to? I have so many things! Why don't you be a gentleman and give up your seat for her?" Hah.
I swear I need to check my temper one of these days.
Monday, June 26, 2006My mum works at the reception counter/cashier's counter, and she deals with irritable customers who have weird diseases, problems and ailments all day. She recalls cases whereby patients shout at her, "Why are you smiling when I'm shouting at you? Very funny is it?" or "Okay fine no eating or drinking in the clinic huh? FINE! *later the patient snatches her son's can of Coke away and gulps it down and returns my mum a triumphant glare*" Tsk, is that how Singaporeans behave these days?
Interesting things have happened to me on the MRT as well. I had a grumpy old man TSK-ed very loudly at me and jabbed me many a time in the arm when I was just minding my own business. Got so annoyed at him and I raised my voice a little and went "What's your problem!" thinking that he wanted to take advantage of me or something. He just TSK-ed even louder before moving off to 3 empty seats opposite him.
I had ang moh businessmen trying to snuggle up to me on the MRT by inching really close. Tried jabbing them and at the same time making space for my elbows but that didn't really work. They ended up opening their legs really big and rubbing against the sides of my legs. One bugger ended having his shin kicked because I was that pissed off and I pulled it off with a very sweet, "Oh I'm so sorry!". Such pervs.
Oh and the latest interesting incident! I forgot to mention it in my blog posts because I had so much fun that day, I really forgot when, but I was sitting on one of the MRT seats with a huge bag, my laptop opened, my floorball stick beside me and my shoebag at my feet. An old lady was standing in front of me, and this man in his 40s? sitting next to me had the cheek to tell me off about not giving up my seat for an old lady. My reply? "How to? I have so many things! Why don't you be a gentleman and give up your seat for her?" Hah.
I swear I need to check my temper one of these days.
The feeling of immobility sucks to the core. Blame it on ants-in-my-pants-cannot-sit-still XP, but not being able to walk sure is as hell irritating.
You got it, I sprained my ankle during floorball training. (: No worries about it, its healing properly after I've gone to see a sinseh this afternoon. Thanks kor, for fetching me there ;) and eating at Simpang!!! Boy, I miss that place.
Will be up and walking by Sports Camp. Speaking of Sports Camp, if you all do know of people coming into NUS - get them to join Sports Camp! Just click to get to the site.
Next few days I will have to find time to occupy myself - so far I've created a website, watched a full season of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, played a quarter of the games on Miniclip.com...shall finish watching House and get some stuff ready for Sports Camp.
Sunday, June 18, 2006You got it, I sprained my ankle during floorball training. (: No worries about it, its healing properly after I've gone to see a sinseh this afternoon. Thanks kor, for fetching me there ;) and eating at Simpang!!! Boy, I miss that place.
Will be up and walking by Sports Camp. Speaking of Sports Camp, if you all do know of people coming into NUS - get them to join Sports Camp! Just click to get to the site.
Next few days I will have to find time to occupy myself - so far I've created a website, watched a full season of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, played a quarter of the games on Miniclip.com...shall finish watching House and get some stuff ready for Sports Camp.
Is money all that matters to you? After all, you are old - how much money can you bring to your grave? So the child who gives you the most money, becomes your favourite. What happens to the eldest who supported her younger siblings, sacrificing her studies and life, only to have her younger siblings outdo her and have a monthly salary 8 times her amount? You see her as your maid, your worst child born ever (when she gave you the most money when she first started working) your most irritating member of the family - she has to do what she has to do.
And you, as a father, subconsciously pass on this belief and view of yours to that pack of children who treat their eldest sister like a maid, someone unworthy of respect. She was screamed at, hurled insults at, and what did you do? You sparked off the rage within your pack of children. You sat there and smiled smugly as your youngest (and most spoilt, in my opinion) hurled verbal abuse at your eldest. Is that what a dad should do, to encourage such behavior?
What you want is money, luxury, a maid to wait upon you - voice it out then. No you didn't dare to, your children obviously were too selfish to think of that option. Maybe its karma, that is why your sons haven't produced a heir to carry on your family name.
And him, oh so many things I could say. He is the perfect one, so he thinks. He yelled at me for not showing him respect, when he did not show respect for his own elder sister. He shouted at the top of his voice to get his way around, when his reasoning did not make sense at all. The whole list of things I could say about him, the insults I endured, the things I had to do for one tiny favour. Yet all these stayed within the four walls of the house - because he is charming to everybody else outside the family.
Your pack of children outcast their eldest sister simply because she doesn't match their education level; your pack of children do not even stay with you, yet you think the world of them. Your pack of children do not help out in caring for you; they did not bother about your wife - whom, I must say, hates you to the core - yet you placed them on your favourite list and sided with them against the only daughter who gave up so much for your welfare. I repeat, your welfare. You would perhaps have died of a heart attack if nobody was around the night you had a stroke. That, you do not remember. Instead you remember only the amount of money your daughter owes you, and the amount of hundreds you receive a month from your pack of children.
Your sack of rice is more important than my university education; your savings (for fuck?) are more important than seeing me through university. Thus, I give you only minimal respect as an elder, because you and that pack of children - to me - are the same. I learnt these bad habits and manners from you.
Friday, June 16, 2006And you, as a father, subconsciously pass on this belief and view of yours to that pack of children who treat their eldest sister like a maid, someone unworthy of respect. She was screamed at, hurled insults at, and what did you do? You sparked off the rage within your pack of children. You sat there and smiled smugly as your youngest (and most spoilt, in my opinion) hurled verbal abuse at your eldest. Is that what a dad should do, to encourage such behavior?
What you want is money, luxury, a maid to wait upon you - voice it out then. No you didn't dare to, your children obviously were too selfish to think of that option. Maybe its karma, that is why your sons haven't produced a heir to carry on your family name.
And him, oh so many things I could say. He is the perfect one, so he thinks. He yelled at me for not showing him respect, when he did not show respect for his own elder sister. He shouted at the top of his voice to get his way around, when his reasoning did not make sense at all. The whole list of things I could say about him, the insults I endured, the things I had to do for one tiny favour. Yet all these stayed within the four walls of the house - because he is charming to everybody else outside the family.
Your pack of children outcast their eldest sister simply because she doesn't match their education level; your pack of children do not even stay with you, yet you think the world of them. Your pack of children do not help out in caring for you; they did not bother about your wife - whom, I must say, hates you to the core - yet you placed them on your favourite list and sided with them against the only daughter who gave up so much for your welfare. I repeat, your welfare. You would perhaps have died of a heart attack if nobody was around the night you had a stroke. That, you do not remember. Instead you remember only the amount of money your daughter owes you, and the amount of hundreds you receive a month from your pack of children.
Your sack of rice is more important than my university education; your savings (for fuck?) are more important than seeing me through university. Thus, I give you only minimal respect as an elder, because you and that pack of children - to me - are the same. I learnt these bad habits and manners from you.
I was just browsing along Friendster when I realised everybody has changed - little or much - suddenly everybody's looking good!
Had a pretty good training today, though I'm seriously lacking in agility since the league ended. The most annoying thing happened to me on the train today - I was just sitting in my spot minding my own business when this uncle next to me started tsk-ing away loudly in annoyance and nudging me away from him. For the matter of fact I wasn't leaning on him or anything, but he nudged me like...twice and continued expressing his annoyance. I was so irritated, I went "What's your problem?" and that silly uncle continued tsk-ing away before he finally moved to the next train carriage, only to get off at Tampines MRT 1 minute later. What's the bloody point.
Listening to Nell write songs and mix songs, makes me feel like going back to singing properly again. Lately its been bathroom screeching (nah, not that bad yet) but I'm considering returning back to the music world after I'm done with my last year in NUS with floorball. The one and only problem is money and lots of it. I often wish I'm rich enough to afford what I really want to learn because there are so many courses I want to take, but it all boils down to the lack of extra income.
I know my mother wouldn't approve nor even support me going into the entertainment industry - she (and my entire family) thinks that I ought to get a teaching diploma to qualify me to teach in international schools and go full time into teaching. So many factors to consider, so many options to look at upon graduation.
Oh and I'm most probably not going to be staying in hall next semester. Yes the journey and travelling is so gonna kill me but just too damn bad I guess? I'll probably start looking for more jobs since I won't be staying in hall anymore. Yet another thing to think about.
Meanwhile, Sports Camp is nearing...get over that first I guess (:
Thursday, June 08, 2006Had a pretty good training today, though I'm seriously lacking in agility since the league ended. The most annoying thing happened to me on the train today - I was just sitting in my spot minding my own business when this uncle next to me started tsk-ing away loudly in annoyance and nudging me away from him. For the matter of fact I wasn't leaning on him or anything, but he nudged me like...twice and continued expressing his annoyance. I was so irritated, I went "What's your problem?" and that silly uncle continued tsk-ing away before he finally moved to the next train carriage, only to get off at Tampines MRT 1 minute later. What's the bloody point.
Listening to Nell write songs and mix songs, makes me feel like going back to singing properly again. Lately its been bathroom screeching (nah, not that bad yet) but I'm considering returning back to the music world after I'm done with my last year in NUS with floorball. The one and only problem is money and lots of it. I often wish I'm rich enough to afford what I really want to learn because there are so many courses I want to take, but it all boils down to the lack of extra income.
I know my mother wouldn't approve nor even support me going into the entertainment industry - she (and my entire family) thinks that I ought to get a teaching diploma to qualify me to teach in international schools and go full time into teaching. So many factors to consider, so many options to look at upon graduation.
Oh and I'm most probably not going to be staying in hall next semester. Yes the journey and travelling is so gonna kill me but just too damn bad I guess? I'll probably start looking for more jobs since I won't be staying in hall anymore. Yet another thing to think about.
Meanwhile, Sports Camp is nearing...get over that first I guess (:
Finally my (well-deserved) rest day has arrived.
I really don't know if I ought to keep looking out for jobs so as to earn spare cash, or to relax since this is the last 3 month holidays I will get before I graduate.
And I want to go on holiday.
July calls for a busy time - Sports Camp, floorball chalet, KL trip (floorball), 3-on-3 floorball competition, trainings and I still want to go on a holiday!
And here's what I've been doing since the hols started.

I've been camping...


Having fun with P5s...
There was Sea Sports Camp before this...

And then there was my well-deserved rest day. (:

And thank you, my dear, for sharing it with me!
Sports Camp is just around the corner, 3rd to 8th July. You've seen the pictures from Sports Camp - interested? Call me! :)
Saturday, June 03, 2006I really don't know if I ought to keep looking out for jobs so as to earn spare cash, or to relax since this is the last 3 month holidays I will get before I graduate.
And I want to go on holiday.
July calls for a busy time - Sports Camp, floorball chalet, KL trip (floorball), 3-on-3 floorball competition, trainings and I still want to go on a holiday!
And here's what I've been doing since the hols started.

I've been camping...


Having fun with P5s...
There was Sea Sports Camp before this...

And then there was my well-deserved rest day. (:

And thank you, my dear, for sharing it with me!
Sports Camp is just around the corner, 3rd to 8th July. You've seen the pictures from Sports Camp - interested? Call me! :)
Back home after back-to-back camps for 6 days!
Home was never more welcoming. Warm shower with kick-ass water pressure (sure beats a trickle of water over there, or chilling cold showers) and a nice bed to snuggle up in.
The bunch of P5s I dealt with were of 2 extremes - West Grove pri and Queenstown pri. One had "URGH!!!!" kids, while the other consisted of the sweetest and most enthusiastic P5s ever. I was so reluctant to say goodbye to them this morning, just as they were reluctant to say goodbye to us instructors.
Starting camps again after 1.5 years of absence and throwing myself into the new post of asst. camp chief is pretty stressful especially on the first day of camp. Having to bring the energy level of students up, having to plan ahead to prevent chaos, having to do damage control, having to control students through instructors, having to disseminate proper instructions so that nobody gets confused etc. - I have my logistics officer to thank for, because she was a fantastic teacher who pointed out everything there is for me to see.
And there's still loads to learn after these 2 camps.
It is good to be back in action again, to belay, to watch students beam with joy as they achieve something so simple like rock-climbing up to the highest point.
So many people to thank, so many people to share the laughter with. People in this line are a crazy lot la, really...we would have been insane if there wasn't the silliness and madness (comes only when we're really tired) to laugh at.
Had a smashing day with JK, from lunch to walking around TM to laughing over kaya toast & teh to dinner at home with my mum. Finally, she has taken to him!
And tomorrow night is back at school, in preparation for the first dry run for Sports Camp 06. Shack ah.
Home was never more welcoming. Warm shower with kick-ass water pressure (sure beats a trickle of water over there, or chilling cold showers) and a nice bed to snuggle up in.
The bunch of P5s I dealt with were of 2 extremes - West Grove pri and Queenstown pri. One had "URGH!!!!" kids, while the other consisted of the sweetest and most enthusiastic P5s ever. I was so reluctant to say goodbye to them this morning, just as they were reluctant to say goodbye to us instructors.
Starting camps again after 1.5 years of absence and throwing myself into the new post of asst. camp chief is pretty stressful especially on the first day of camp. Having to bring the energy level of students up, having to plan ahead to prevent chaos, having to do damage control, having to control students through instructors, having to disseminate proper instructions so that nobody gets confused etc. - I have my logistics officer to thank for, because she was a fantastic teacher who pointed out everything there is for me to see.
And there's still loads to learn after these 2 camps.
It is good to be back in action again, to belay, to watch students beam with joy as they achieve something so simple like rock-climbing up to the highest point.
So many people to thank, so many people to share the laughter with. People in this line are a crazy lot la, really...we would have been insane if there wasn't the silliness and madness (comes only when we're really tired) to laugh at.
Had a smashing day with JK, from lunch to walking around TM to laughing over kaya toast & teh to dinner at home with my mum. Finally, she has taken to him!
And tomorrow night is back at school, in preparation for the first dry run for Sports Camp 06. Shack ah.