Why does my hair always look its best just when I decide to go cut it? Silly me will be standing in front of the mirror...looking at how nicely my hair falls into its layers (for the first time since the last cut) and think to myself "shit. should I really go cut my hair?"
So, here I am...contemplating spunky.
Maybe not literally spikes poking upwards, but...more like a tuft of grass on top of my head. Goodness that sounds ugly already.
Argh! I think I'll end up with a trim thank you very much.
Hair woes.
Before Sports Camp somemore.
Die la.
Will be gone from tomorrow night till...6th or 7th July. Won't be blogging till 11th July. Hopefully will be back with more pictures to save you readers the misery from reading my nonsense. *grin*
Meanwhile, take care dears. Till then!
Thursday, June 23, 2005So, here I am...contemplating spunky.
Maybe not literally spikes poking upwards, but...more like a tuft of grass on top of my head. Goodness that sounds ugly already.
Argh! I think I'll end up with a trim thank you very much.
Hair woes.
Before Sports Camp somemore.
Die la.
Will be gone from tomorrow night till...6th or 7th July. Won't be blogging till 11th July. Hopefully will be back with more pictures to save you readers the misery from reading my nonsense. *grin*
Meanwhile, take care dears. Till then!
Back from pre-camp (camp for counsellors to bond before Sports Camp begins). I declare myself having improved one level up in terms of energy. Whilst everybody else headed back to sleep after camp, I went for floorball training. Woah..its another 'high' state of mind man. Head couldn't stop spinning after training. What can I say? Shiok!
Met up with Chris (LIKE FINALLY FINALLY) for supper..and Gelare's at Siglap...mmmm shiok~ And I realised many good-lookings go to Siglap for supper..I was like happily looking and looking and looking..good stuff man. *grin*
Used up my 3rd tube of sunblock since the holidays started. I think...I better stop going under the sun.
Looked at my July schedule and I realised I'm so not gonna see my mum for quite a while...
27th June - 2nd July: Sports Camp
2nd July - 7th July: Snorkelling at Redang, shopping at KL
8th July - 10th July: Floorball Chalet.
[followed by shopping at Thailand somewhere in between]
20th-24th: Floorball trip to KL.
Oh man.
I love my life now. I don't want school to start at all!
Saturday, June 11, 2005Met up with Chris (LIKE FINALLY FINALLY) for supper..and Gelare's at Siglap...mmmm shiok~ And I realised many good-lookings go to Siglap for supper..I was like happily looking and looking and looking..good stuff man. *grin*
Used up my 3rd tube of sunblock since the holidays started. I think...I better stop going under the sun.
Looked at my July schedule and I realised I'm so not gonna see my mum for quite a while...
27th June - 2nd July: Sports Camp
2nd July - 7th July: Snorkelling at Redang, shopping at KL
8th July - 10th July: Floorball Chalet.
[followed by shopping at Thailand somewhere in between]
20th-24th: Floorball trip to KL.
Oh man.
I love my life now. I don't want school to start at all!
Back from Sea Sports Camp 2005. 3 days worth of the sun, sand and plenty of sea. I'm just blackkk now! It was a pretty good 3 days..I had a wonderfullllll group..great fellow facilitators and a hell of a good time!
The facilitators

The nerds emerge at night.

Day 2: wakeboarding!

Group B peepz..blackened!

And the photosluts within us..

Free booze, r&b, wooden platform..time to party!

Day 3 - tiredness sets in.

Too little space for pictures.
Click here for more pics!
Meanwhile...sleep beckons once more...till then!
Friday, June 03, 2005The facilitators

The nerds emerge at night.

Day 2: wakeboarding!

Group B peepz..blackened!

And the photosluts within us..

Free booze, r&b, wooden platform..time to party!

Day 3 - tiredness sets in.

Too little space for pictures.
Click here for more pics!
Meanwhile...sleep beckons once more...till then!
I want to run away from all these.
All the work.
All the phone calls.
All the proposals.
And the sucky results.
I bought a new bikini from Roxy, if that is something to take comfort in. :)
My posts are getting shorter and shorter by the day, because there is nothing much to say after the initial camp season for May has ended. I've got camps in NUS every week..schedule's gonna be pretty packed..and let's hope the photos come streaming in. *grin*
Planning another cable-skiing trip for the MC people. Let's make it happen once more. =)
Wednesday, June 01, 2005All the work.
All the phone calls.
All the proposals.
And the sucky results.
I bought a new bikini from Roxy, if that is something to take comfort in. :)
My posts are getting shorter and shorter by the day, because there is nothing much to say after the initial camp season for May has ended. I've got camps in NUS every week..schedule's gonna be pretty packed..and let's hope the photos come streaming in. *grin*
Planning another cable-skiing trip for the MC people. Let's make it happen once more. =)
2 days of fever down. And I'm up and high again!
Went back to Seal Sports on Tuesday to help out at camp, did another crazy campfire..went for another makan session with the instructors today..I think we're banned off Sakura now. *grin*
I finally pinpointed what is so wonderful about this holidays. Its the fabulous company! A group of people to go high with..do silly cheers with, play silly games with, go without sleep for 3 nights with..and all talking rubbish due to pathetic sleep hours we get. Laughing at every funny actions we make, not bothering about one's self-image...what's university life compared to this? Nothing at all.
Give me their company anytime. anywhereeeeeeeeee!
A simple smile from deep within, a slight wink to recapture the moments one year ago. Fond memories.
Went back to Seal Sports on Tuesday to help out at camp, did another crazy campfire..went for another makan session with the instructors today..I think we're banned off Sakura now. *grin*
I finally pinpointed what is so wonderful about this holidays. Its the fabulous company! A group of people to go high with..do silly cheers with, play silly games with, go without sleep for 3 nights with..and all talking rubbish due to pathetic sleep hours we get. Laughing at every funny actions we make, not bothering about one's self-image...what's university life compared to this? Nothing at all.
Give me their company anytime. anywhereeeeeeeeee!
A simple smile from deep within, a slight wink to recapture the moments one year ago. Fond memories.