After viewing the "wonderful" quality in my cam's night shots, I think I ought to buy a better camera. Don't expect much out of these shots, its only 1.3megapixels. *mumbles*
Major bumming session at TJ, just like the good old days.
And, of course, going back to TJ must include Choon Huat's Tom Yam soup opposite the school!
Group shot.
Group shot 2. Why is it that Darren always gets sa-boed?
Group shot 3. (This includes spot Mr Chung contest.)
*opera voice* MASQUERADEEEEEEE!!!! party faces and parade...
Okay, here is where the pictures get really lousy. :(
And Debra has a really bronzed look that I loveeeeeeee! *envious* I also want to work in Botanical Gardens! Madi Gras was more of a catching up session with everybody else, as Darren Png puts it, we spent $4 to bum around.
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Major bumming session at TJ, just like the good old days.

And, of course, going back to TJ must include Choon Huat's Tom Yam soup opposite the school!

Group shot.

Group shot 2. Why is it that Darren always gets sa-boed?

Group shot 3. (This includes spot Mr Chung contest.)

*opera voice* MASQUERADEEEEEEE!!!! party faces and parade...
Okay, here is where the pictures get really lousy. :(

And Debra has a really bronzed look that I loveeeeeeee! *envious* I also want to work in Botanical Gardens! Madi Gras was more of a catching up session with everybody else, as Darren Png puts it, we spent $4 to bum around.
Sharing one umbrella
We have to hold each other
Round the waist to keep together
You ask me why I'm smiling
It's because I'm thinking
I want it to rain forever.
Saturday, February 21, 2004We have to hold each other
Round the waist to keep together
You ask me why I'm smiling
It's because I'm thinking
I want it to rain forever.

Messy at home, messy at work. *faints* Yes, if you're wondering, that's my workstation.
I used the frying pan G3 gave me to fry my egg today. Breakfast was sausage wrapped with ham omelette. *grin*

I suddenly found this in one of my photo albums...sigh. I miss those days. Its funny how I always whine and complain about having to get up early to go to school everyday and face those tutors and the never-ending tutorials etc etc, but when its my turn to leave and face the working world out there did I realised how lucky I am to be able to enjoy those 2 years of college life. Its a brutal world out there. Now, where did I hear the phrase "Its a beautiful world out there" ?
Spending 6 days a week in air-con for a continuous 8+ hours and further 7 hours in air-con at home has given me a fair complexion, with this superb capability to turn red in the face easily. So much so that everyone says I blush easily. Bleargh. So irritating. Must go under the sun soon. :P
I want a skirt that fits me just as I like it. *whines*
I feel this widening gap between me and my friends, its in the middle of this social circle and my friends are on the edge of the circle, and the radius of the circle is expanding very, very rapidly. I can't help but think its really my fault, having to devote most of my time to earning a living and barely leaving time for myself, let alone my friends. I will just have to hope that all will turn out fine again when I at last step into school life again soon.
I really miss school. *sigh* Which probably explains why I want a relief teaching job so badly (yes, even now.) Okay, partly because I really can't stand an office job, and having to work under somebody else, having to pai ma pi, having to shoulder the blame because I'm simply the lowest rank there. That's right. I'm bossy by nature. I should like to be the one in charge, with negotiation space. :)
Okay. Lunch time's over. Its back to...photocopying and filing for me, for now. Boo.
Saturday, February 14, 2004I feel this widening gap between me and my friends, its in the middle of this social circle and my friends are on the edge of the circle, and the radius of the circle is expanding very, very rapidly. I can't help but think its really my fault, having to devote most of my time to earning a living and barely leaving time for myself, let alone my friends. I will just have to hope that all will turn out fine again when I at last step into school life again soon.
I really miss school. *sigh* Which probably explains why I want a relief teaching job so badly (yes, even now.) Okay, partly because I really can't stand an office job, and having to work under somebody else, having to pai ma pi, having to shoulder the blame because I'm simply the lowest rank there. That's right. I'm bossy by nature. I should like to be the one in charge, with negotiation space. :)
Okay. Lunch time's over. Its back to...photocopying and filing for me, for now. Boo.
I saw 30 over couples carrying flowers in their arms. (omg.)
Today is a sinful day. I ate and ate and ate and shopped and shopped and shopped. *grin* Well, its recommendation time again - Max Brenner Chocalate Bar, Esplanade #01-06/08. Fantastic chocalate. We had normal hot chocalate, suckao, and some dessert..forgot the name. I think its fu-something. Anyway, the hot chocalate is like too sweet for me, the suckao (did I get that correct?) was...simply superb. Its this drink where you dump in small solid chocalates into this tin heated over a flame and pour warm fresh milk into it, so that the chocalate melts and blends in together with the milk to make hot chocalate. Then the dessert consisted of 3 types of melted chocalate - dark, white and milk, where you are served kiwi, banana, bread and marshmallows, then you dip these into the chocalate. Wah lau, horribly sinful. Thumbs up! The price ranges around $5 for drinks, and $18 for the dessert. *Note: Never order BOTH drinks and dessert between two people. It will result in a severe overload of chocalate.
Conclusion: I'm laying off milo and sweet stuff for at least a month.
Aiyah, you know when I start describing food in detail like the above, it simply means you all must go try it!
Bought a short-sleeved shirt and a white flowery skirt from 37-degrees. They sell quite nice clothes, surprisingly. :) 5 more days before mphosis ends their sale. Better go get those sandals!
Saw lots of young girls around, with a dress sense so mature that I could hardly believe it. I reckon they were barely 13-14 years old, and they already have rebonded hair, light make-up, colour-phones, and all dressed up in the latest japanese fashion. *uggh* Not to mention that they were out at like 10pm!? I mean, hello, I was home before 7pm when I get out of the house when I was 15 years old. Even then, I didn't go out much during weekends unless it was absolutely necessary.
I realised my blogging these days seem extremely disjointed...oh well. *shrugs* Blame it on my random thoughts.
Friday, February 13, 2004Today is a sinful day. I ate and ate and ate and shopped and shopped and shopped. *grin* Well, its recommendation time again - Max Brenner Chocalate Bar, Esplanade #01-06/08. Fantastic chocalate. We had normal hot chocalate, suckao, and some dessert..forgot the name. I think its fu-something. Anyway, the hot chocalate is like too sweet for me, the suckao (did I get that correct?) was...simply superb. Its this drink where you dump in small solid chocalates into this tin heated over a flame and pour warm fresh milk into it, so that the chocalate melts and blends in together with the milk to make hot chocalate. Then the dessert consisted of 3 types of melted chocalate - dark, white and milk, where you are served kiwi, banana, bread and marshmallows, then you dip these into the chocalate. Wah lau, horribly sinful. Thumbs up! The price ranges around $5 for drinks, and $18 for the dessert. *Note: Never order BOTH drinks and dessert between two people. It will result in a severe overload of chocalate.
Conclusion: I'm laying off milo and sweet stuff for at least a month.
Aiyah, you know when I start describing food in detail like the above, it simply means you all must go try it!
Bought a short-sleeved shirt and a white flowery skirt from 37-degrees. They sell quite nice clothes, surprisingly. :) 5 more days before mphosis ends their sale. Better go get those sandals!
Saw lots of young girls around, with a dress sense so mature that I could hardly believe it. I reckon they were barely 13-14 years old, and they already have rebonded hair, light make-up, colour-phones, and all dressed up in the latest japanese fashion. *uggh* Not to mention that they were out at like 10pm!? I mean, hello, I was home before 7pm when I get out of the house when I was 15 years old. Even then, I didn't go out much during weekends unless it was absolutely necessary.
I realised my blogging these days seem extremely disjointed...oh well. *shrugs* Blame it on my random thoughts.
I received comments that my arms are flabbier and getting fatter. Gawd. I never had problems with my arms. Until now. Time to do something.
Eat less. Exercise after work Mon, Wed, Fri. Sat will be a longer workout. Hah.
And Christina, the Scent of the Night is organised by HSBC, got a voucher to collect goodie bag if I present that voucher with my staff pass. Get it from me. *grin* (provided you read this in time. *winks*)
Okay. I'm off. Diet plan starts tomorrow.
Thursday, February 12, 2004Eat less. Exercise after work Mon, Wed, Fri. Sat will be a longer workout. Hah.
And Christina, the Scent of the Night is organised by HSBC, got a voucher to collect goodie bag if I present that voucher with my staff pass. Get it from me. *grin* (provided you read this in time. *winks*)
Okay. I'm off. Diet plan starts tomorrow.
V-day is approaching.
Do you remember the necklace you gave me one year ago? I still have it. Its right here, close to my heart, where you want it to be. Its very simple, but I love it. Its a gift from the heart.
Saw this online-catalogue of a particular florist shop, selling 999 roses for $2,088. With that money, I wouldn't want 999 flowers that will eventually wither and attract insects to my room. I wouldn't know where to put these 999 roses, I probably won't have space to accomodate them! $2,088 can get me a cruise, a diamond watch...whatever. Anything but those perishable flowers. Wonder which silly girl will get that on the 14th.
The more I think about V-day, the more I do not understand why some females crave for their darlings to give them flowers on V-day itself, when roses are horribly over-priced at $7 per stalk. *faints* Poor boys, I pity them.
Anyway. I wonder why I'm holding a job that has nothing to do with whatever I want to study in future. Well, then again, I bet there are others out there like me...*shrugs* I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Gosh. To leave Temasek JC, seemingly all study and stress and nothing, and to embrace 6 months worth of earning a living, exhaustion, routined lifestyle. Basically - no life la.
Maybe because I feel that in a job I ought to feel useful, as in, making use of what I have learnt back in school to apply to what I'm doing now. Relief teaching will be a wonderful option for me, in this case. Instead, I'm doing what is equivalent to "Nobody wants to do this so I'm doing it". Blah.
Sunday, February 08, 2004Do you remember the necklace you gave me one year ago? I still have it. Its right here, close to my heart, where you want it to be. Its very simple, but I love it. Its a gift from the heart.
Saw this online-catalogue of a particular florist shop, selling 999 roses for $2,088. With that money, I wouldn't want 999 flowers that will eventually wither and attract insects to my room. I wouldn't know where to put these 999 roses, I probably won't have space to accomodate them! $2,088 can get me a cruise, a diamond watch...whatever. Anything but those perishable flowers. Wonder which silly girl will get that on the 14th.
The more I think about V-day, the more I do not understand why some females crave for their darlings to give them flowers on V-day itself, when roses are horribly over-priced at $7 per stalk. *faints* Poor boys, I pity them.
Anyway. I wonder why I'm holding a job that has nothing to do with whatever I want to study in future. Well, then again, I bet there are others out there like me...*shrugs* I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Gosh. To leave Temasek JC, seemingly all study and stress and nothing, and to embrace 6 months worth of earning a living, exhaustion, routined lifestyle. Basically - no life la.
Maybe because I feel that in a job I ought to feel useful, as in, making use of what I have learnt back in school to apply to what I'm doing now. Relief teaching will be a wonderful option for me, in this case. Instead, I'm doing what is equivalent to "Nobody wants to do this so I'm doing it". Blah.
Today's Sunday again. Another week has passed. Got 6 new students today, hardly had time for lunch. The funny thing was, most of my students have their two front teeth gone when I saw them today. Every single child that grinned at me had this toothless (yet aww so adorable) grin. *amused* bogeh!
Got my first official paycheque today! *silly grin* As in, first proper cheque that has been given to me because I have earned it through some job. The rest of the pay from HSBC didn't seem very exciting because they were all automatically deposited into my account. *waves cheque madly around*
Oh, and I cut my hair as well. The cut didn't turn out as I had expected, partly because my hair simply cannot be tamed. Its much shorter now, and back to a side parting with a hanging curtain of fringe. No picture though. Too....many bad hair days.
Blahz. Back to work tomorrow.
Thursday, February 05, 2004Got my first official paycheque today! *silly grin* As in, first proper cheque that has been given to me because I have earned it through some job. The rest of the pay from HSBC didn't seem very exciting because they were all automatically deposited into my account. *waves cheque madly around*
Oh, and I cut my hair as well. The cut didn't turn out as I had expected, partly because my hair simply cannot be tamed. Its much shorter now, and back to a side parting with a hanging curtain of fringe. No picture though. Too....many bad hair days.
Blahz. Back to work tomorrow.
1) Or-ni is nice.
2) My boss' desk has a great view of the area around Fullerton Hotel.
3) Working life is fattening.
4) Who says it feels shiok to get your first pay cheque? I don't.
Anyway, I am going to cut my hair this Saturday. It has been irritating the hell out of me for the past week because it has grown to the stage where I can't do anything to my hair no matter how much I blow/brush/comb/condition it. It simply flops down in such ugly fashion that I'm so horrified everytime I stare into the mirror. At last, this brown bush that has been growing from my head shall be trimmed again so that it becomes the proper "messy" layering look that I want. What irony. Trim it to make it look the messed-up way I want. And it is simply so amazing that everytime we look in the mirror and experience a bad hair day, we go "I'm going to the salon soon." And when we finally decide that we need a haircut, it suddenly *abracadabra!* switches itself to such lovely nice hair that you will go "aww, my hair's so nice now, I don't need a haircut yet."
So much about my hair, when I'm merely going to cut it.
And, never go shopping in heels, even though the trip lasts only 1 hour. My black sandals killed my feet today. Ouch.
I can't wait to see my hairstylist on Saturday. Goodbye you horrendous hair. Welcome good hair days.
Tuesday, February 03, 20042) My boss' desk has a great view of the area around Fullerton Hotel.
3) Working life is fattening.
4) Who says it feels shiok to get your first pay cheque? I don't.
Anyway, I am going to cut my hair this Saturday. It has been irritating the hell out of me for the past week because it has grown to the stage where I can't do anything to my hair no matter how much I blow/brush/comb/condition it. It simply flops down in such ugly fashion that I'm so horrified everytime I stare into the mirror. At last, this brown bush that has been growing from my head shall be trimmed again so that it becomes the proper "messy" layering look that I want. What irony. Trim it to make it look the messed-up way I want. And it is simply so amazing that everytime we look in the mirror and experience a bad hair day, we go "I'm going to the salon soon." And when we finally decide that we need a haircut, it suddenly *abracadabra!* switches itself to such lovely nice hair that you will go "aww, my hair's so nice now, I don't need a haircut yet."
So much about my hair, when I'm merely going to cut it.
And, never go shopping in heels, even though the trip lasts only 1 hour. My black sandals killed my feet today. Ouch.
I can't wait to see my hairstylist on Saturday. Goodbye you horrendous hair. Welcome good hair days.
Goodbye eighteen. Hello nineteen.
Went to Mong Hing Teochew restaurant to eat. Food was fantastic, especially the dessert, which is a dish called "or ni" *pronounced orrrrr-neeee* Yam paste with pumpkin and dunno what nut/seed mixed into it...very nice!!! The restaurant's at Keypoint, Jalan Sultan area, so you all should go try their or-ni if you have the chance.
Its back to work tomorrow again. *sigh* I yearn for college life again.
Went to Mong Hing Teochew restaurant to eat. Food was fantastic, especially the dessert, which is a dish called "or ni" *pronounced orrrrr-neeee* Yam paste with pumpkin and dunno what nut/seed mixed into it...very nice!!! The restaurant's at Keypoint, Jalan Sultan area, so you all should go try their or-ni if you have the chance.
Its back to work tomorrow again. *sigh* I yearn for college life again.
I can finally strike off some stuff in my wish-list, thanks to those darling friends of mine. Thank you dearies, for the frying pan (hahahha), sunscreen, stickers and card. (rather well decorated I must say) *grin*
Monday was pretty much hectic..because one da xiao jie was *as usual* late. Haha, Suz's house, mine, then to Hui Yu's, and then to Xtina's (which I couldn't go because I had to treat my mum to Fish & Co.) My mum kind of concluded my friends are kinda "mad" because Suzanne couldn't resist showing us some stretches that will help us slim down.
Typing this in the office now, after a mad rush to Lau Pa Sat and back...wah damn far to walk ahh!
Anyways, I'm off to Dorothy Perkins to shop later! *grins* And, a superb dinner at Moh Heng...mmmm~
Monday was pretty much hectic..because one da xiao jie was *as usual* late. Haha, Suz's house, mine, then to Hui Yu's, and then to Xtina's (which I couldn't go because I had to treat my mum to Fish & Co.) My mum kind of concluded my friends are kinda "mad" because Suzanne couldn't resist showing us some stretches that will help us slim down.
Typing this in the office now, after a mad rush to Lau Pa Sat and back...wah damn far to walk ahh!
Anyways, I'm off to Dorothy Perkins to shop later! *grins* And, a superb dinner at Moh Heng...mmmm~