How do people study constantly everyday without getting spaced out?
Funny how I like moist rice and dry beehoon while other people prefer it the other way around.
Funny how I can have relatively large eyes yet fail to notice detail around me.
Funny how I can excel in Physical Geography yet lose my way around due to my extremely lousy sense of direction.
Funny how I used to complain that I have too much hair, and look at me now. I am losing hair by the million!
Funny that I will still be here thinking of other "Funny how's" while other people are studying for their A levels.
What has come over me!? Today's attempt to study Literature is...rather futile. Spent it reading a dozen Othello essays that are 20/25 and above. I think I have read about 3 of Andy Huang's essays. Come to think of it, life is getting pretty much-the-same nowadays, its basically go airport, study, come back, bathe, eat, computer, study. Very often I find myself staring at a myna walking across a street. Somehow, a myna is different, black but beautiful. It walks instead of hops. *amused* Not to mention they are a noisy bunch when together, which makes them very interesting to intepret because they act almost human. Pardon me, almost isn't really a word. A little. At least they are the few birds that look like they understand the world going around them.
Rainy weather again. Came across this starving kitten, it was worse than "scrawny". Bought a packet of cat food that costs like 60 cents, emptied it onto a piece of paper and left it on the gorund for the poor little mite to eat. I hope it's full now...too bad I couldn't bring it home with me. I take more notice of how strangers dress, and I, unfortunately, am often critical. Of course there is this paranoid feeling that I have that others will be thinking about the same for me as well. Nevertheless, I still wonder how some manage to study in skirts and a revealing top (in the air-con!?). Scold me sloppy, but I feel the need to dress for comfort. Nice yes, but comfort still comes first. *mumbles*
Given up on my running/biking too often because my knees are complaining. Constant pain everytime I climb/descend from the stairs or when I attempt to stand up from/sit down on a chair/sofa/stool. Well. I'll do something else then.
And there's this really dumb game. Call it my stress buster. Click here. Hmm. Happy playing I suppose. :)
Friday, October 24, 2003Funny how I like moist rice and dry beehoon while other people prefer it the other way around.
Funny how I can have relatively large eyes yet fail to notice detail around me.
Funny how I can excel in Physical Geography yet lose my way around due to my extremely lousy sense of direction.
Funny how I used to complain that I have too much hair, and look at me now. I am losing hair by the million!
Funny that I will still be here thinking of other "Funny how's" while other people are studying for their A levels.
What has come over me!? Today's attempt to study Literature is...rather futile. Spent it reading a dozen Othello essays that are 20/25 and above. I think I have read about 3 of Andy Huang's essays. Come to think of it, life is getting pretty much-the-same nowadays, its basically go airport, study, come back, bathe, eat, computer, study. Very often I find myself staring at a myna walking across a street. Somehow, a myna is different, black but beautiful. It walks instead of hops. *amused* Not to mention they are a noisy bunch when together, which makes them very interesting to intepret because they act almost human. Pardon me, almost isn't really a word. A little. At least they are the few birds that look like they understand the world going around them.
Rainy weather again. Came across this starving kitten, it was worse than "scrawny". Bought a packet of cat food that costs like 60 cents, emptied it onto a piece of paper and left it on the gorund for the poor little mite to eat. I hope it's full now...too bad I couldn't bring it home with me. I take more notice of how strangers dress, and I, unfortunately, am often critical. Of course there is this paranoid feeling that I have that others will be thinking about the same for me as well. Nevertheless, I still wonder how some manage to study in skirts and a revealing top (in the air-con!?). Scold me sloppy, but I feel the need to dress for comfort. Nice yes, but comfort still comes first. *mumbles*
Given up on my running/biking too often because my knees are complaining. Constant pain everytime I climb/descend from the stairs or when I attempt to stand up from/sit down on a chair/sofa/stool. Well. I'll do something else then.
And there's this really dumb game. Call it my stress buster. Click here. Hmm. Happy playing I suppose. :)
What happened on Monday.
Chopping the garlic in preperation to fry the rice.
Huiyu frying the rice.
XP with wok disaster.
Frying the egg. (It tasted abit too salty though, SHE added the soya sauce! *points accusing finger at huiyu*)
Destination : Suzanne's block.
Outside Suz's house. **don't ask me what xtina's expression is for, I think she was sticking her tongue out at the dog living next door.**
We kinda caught the bdae girl in bed sleeping coz' she was sick... :)
Happy happy girl. :)
Hopefully these images can be viewed. Now its back to continuous random variables. *faints*
Wednesday, October 22, 2003Chopping the garlic in preperation to fry the rice.
Huiyu frying the rice.
XP with wok disaster.
Frying the egg. (It tasted abit too salty though, SHE added the soya sauce! *points accusing finger at huiyu*)
Destination : Suzanne's block.
Outside Suz's house. **don't ask me what xtina's expression is for, I think she was sticking her tongue out at the dog living next door.**
We kinda caught the bdae girl in bed sleeping coz' she was sick... :)
Happy happy girl. :)
Hopefully these images can be viewed. Now its back to continuous random variables. *faints*
You are Form 3, Unicorn: The Innocent.
"And The Unicorn knew she wasn't meant to
go into the Dark Wood. Disregarding the advice
given to her by the spirits, Unicorn went
inside and bled silver blood.. For her
misdeed, the world knew evil."
Some examples of the Unicorn Form are Eve
(Christian) and Pandora (Greek).
The Unicorn is associated with the concept of
innocence, the number 3, and the element of
Her sign is the twilight sun.
As a member of Form 3, you are a curious
individual. You are drawn to new things and
become fascinated with ideas you've never come
in contact with before. Some people may say
you are too nosey, but it's only because you
like getting to the bottom of things and
solving them. Unicorns are the best friends to
have because they are inquisitive.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
And Terrence, I found the liable place where you got your suit from. *grins* It makes any man look dashing. Includes you! *happy smile* Tried looking around for silver slippers, me and my slippers fetish again...Saw a few from U.R.S inc. and ViVie. *takes note* All Butter Vietnamese Cookies from Marks and Spencer, matching ear-studs that come as shirt-and-pants.
Sick of studyingggggg. Uggh. Even fell asleep at Huiyu's house today. What a pig I can be. *glum look*
Does everyone have the right to be a parent? - JJC Prelim. Question 6.
Slaving over this now. *groans* What constitutes being a parent?

Succubine / Incubine Fang, the third class of
vampire. You are lusty and manipulative. Your
servants are none, except for those you have
captured for pleasure. Your power is the
ability to control minds. You are just a wee
bit of a slut, but we'll let it pass. You're
just trying to get by.
What class of vampire are you? (some new images)
brought to you by Quizilla
Monday, October 20, 2003Does everyone have the right to be a parent? - JJC Prelim. Question 6.
Slaving over this now. *groans* What constitutes being a parent?
Succubine / Incubine Fang, the third class of
vampire. You are lusty and manipulative. Your
servants are none, except for those you have
captured for pleasure. Your power is the
ability to control minds. You are just a wee
bit of a slut, but we'll let it pass. You're
just trying to get by.
What class of vampire are you? (some new images)
brought to you by Quizilla
The fried rice was a successsssss! *beams* So was the plan in surprising Suzanne...yippee yay. What a day...
Played mahjong with those three (a rather slow game at that). Huiyu won all the way. rargh. Good thing it wasn't based on money or I'd have been broke by now. Blearghz.
Whole chain of birthdays coming up as well, with Mr Chung's birthday tomorrow, Chris' on Wednesday, Adrian's on Thursday and Astri's on Friday. Golly gosh, as Mr Elwin will say. Which reminds me, I have simply no freaking idea how to study for economic geography. Hopeless stuck staring at Silicon Glen's notes. hellllpp.
Shall wake up early tomorrow to run, haven't exercised for a week (or more?) and I feel...flabby. This time, I'll make sure I don't get abrasions at the tailbone area by doing situps again. *mutters* Off to bed!
Saturday, October 18, 2003Played mahjong with those three (a rather slow game at that). Huiyu won all the way. rargh. Good thing it wasn't based on money or I'd have been broke by now. Blearghz.
Whole chain of birthdays coming up as well, with Mr Chung's birthday tomorrow, Chris' on Wednesday, Adrian's on Thursday and Astri's on Friday. Golly gosh, as Mr Elwin will say. Which reminds me, I have simply no freaking idea how to study for economic geography. Hopeless stuck staring at Silicon Glen's notes. hellllpp.
Shall wake up early tomorrow to run, haven't exercised for a week (or more?) and I feel...flabby. This time, I'll make sure I don't get abrasions at the tailbone area by doing situps again. *mutters* Off to bed!
I have been eating so much fattening stuff lately - fried malay finger food, oily (and really oily) lamp chop, fries, kaya bread, kinda defeats all the exercise I have been doing.
To 36/02, Astri's page is under all the links. *points* Ooh my, finally a source of contact with this good ol' girl again. Miss you so much leh! *grins*
Today's feeble attempt at studying was terrrrrrible. Can't absorb anything at all, just kept stoning and eating and eating and eating. Blahz. Guess I'll take a break before I start again.
Gonna learn how to fry buttered rice tomorrow. I hope I won't make a mess in the kitchen. *prays really hard*
Friday, October 17, 2003To 36/02, Astri's page is under all the links. *points* Ooh my, finally a source of contact with this good ol' girl again. Miss you so much leh! *grins*
Today's feeble attempt at studying was terrrrrrible. Can't absorb anything at all, just kept stoning and eating and eating and eating. Blahz. Guess I'll take a break before I start again.
Gonna learn how to fry buttered rice tomorrow. I hope I won't make a mess in the kitchen. *prays really hard*
Orange milkshake never looked so hot until in action. *drools* Especially during basketball. Red-faced. Aww. Had a fine moment when I went to keep my bike in the PE store. The basketball + bowling store. *winks* Well. After all, you are still the best. No worries.
Huiyu...I love the orange colour/smelling eraser!!! Its so apt. Hahaha!
Wednesday, October 15, 2003Huiyu...I love the orange colour/smelling eraser!!! Its so apt. Hahaha!
Perseverance. Sex. Drinking. The three posters on my room walls. Not to mention a 1000 pieced jigsaw puzzle of the Makoto Muramatsu Collection - kittens basically. World Map behind me, and a bulletin board. Hmm. Other than that, my walls are a *blah* boring white. Yes. I am bored.
It has been ages since I last watched a movie, can't even remember what I watched the previous time. :\ I feel soooo hermit-like! I wonder when I will get my life returned back to me again, its been ages...
Ah. Snap out of it.
Sunday, October 12, 2003It has been ages since I last watched a movie, can't even remember what I watched the previous time. :\ I feel soooo hermit-like! I wonder when I will get my life returned back to me again, its been ages...
Ah. Snap out of it.
Sometimes you're way too fantastic for me. Do I deserve to have you?

My inner child is sixteen years old!
NTUC garlic bread offer - 2 for $2. Doesn't taste too bad, but there's way too much butter and too little garlic. Eeeks. Sigh. I miss my camera. When is it coming back to me? *forlourn look*
Finally. Huiyu has a blog. *pops party poopers at 2.15 am on Sat morning*
huiyu's blog. Celebrate!
I'm off to sleep.
Friday, October 10, 2003huiyu's blog. Celebrate!
I'm off to sleep.
My room is infested with ants! But that's not the point here.
Today's farewell left me with a pang in the heart. Because, despite the endless complaints I have about TJ and broodings over the worst happenings in school, I realise this is my life itself. A very slightly-less-than 2 short years, but nevertheless, fun. Friends I have acquired since I first stepped into TJ, and being the only TKGS person in my class, having to make friends all over again is indeed a wonderful experience. The variety, blended..mixture of so many different characters tells me simply that the world is not as black and white as it is often assumed to be. At least, that is how I see it. Couldn't resist shedding a few tears today because this will be the last time I'll spend time together with my friends - as a class. Full force of 3602 appeared today, which is pretty amazing (!). The thought of "last-time"s always make me cry. *sniffs* But on the other hand, it is not too late to savour what one has got today, because I am sure relationships can be improved over time if we put in our best effort at it. Oh well. The school song, as Mr Chung commented today, was never sung so loudly in my entire school life. The irony of it. *wry grin*
Now, is the long (yet not long) haul towards the A-levels, after which we'll decide on the courses that we want and where our grades will take us too. I know some will go overseas, some will stay. I wonder which will I be? Still pondering. But as Jimmy put it this afternoon when I was talking to him and another coach after the Sportsman Appreciation thingy, he said to follow my sole interest, only then will earning money seem fun and easy.
Happy to see my two coaches again today, never expected them to be invited to the Sportsman Appreciation ceromony (is it a ceromony?). Michael Wong kept feeding me all the oily stuffs and everything...he seemed to dump a huge load of every single fried unhealthy thing on my plate and making me eat, saying its good for me. RIGHT! Well, still trying to find out what exactly he has in store for me...he refuses to tell me anything! I'm itching for a small hint to this news of his. Argh.
There's this never-ending wish of mine that popped out right in front of me today. I want to be happy all the time. Forever.
Wednesday, October 08, 2003Today's farewell left me with a pang in the heart. Because, despite the endless complaints I have about TJ and broodings over the worst happenings in school, I realise this is my life itself. A very slightly-less-than 2 short years, but nevertheless, fun. Friends I have acquired since I first stepped into TJ, and being the only TKGS person in my class, having to make friends all over again is indeed a wonderful experience. The variety, blended..mixture of so many different characters tells me simply that the world is not as black and white as it is often assumed to be. At least, that is how I see it. Couldn't resist shedding a few tears today because this will be the last time I'll spend time together with my friends - as a class. Full force of 3602 appeared today, which is pretty amazing (!). The thought of "last-time"s always make me cry. *sniffs* But on the other hand, it is not too late to savour what one has got today, because I am sure relationships can be improved over time if we put in our best effort at it. Oh well. The school song, as Mr Chung commented today, was never sung so loudly in my entire school life. The irony of it. *wry grin*
Now, is the long (yet not long) haul towards the A-levels, after which we'll decide on the courses that we want and where our grades will take us too. I know some will go overseas, some will stay. I wonder which will I be? Still pondering. But as Jimmy put it this afternoon when I was talking to him and another coach after the Sportsman Appreciation thingy, he said to follow my sole interest, only then will earning money seem fun and easy.
Happy to see my two coaches again today, never expected them to be invited to the Sportsman Appreciation ceromony (is it a ceromony?). Michael Wong kept feeding me all the oily stuffs and everything...he seemed to dump a huge load of every single fried unhealthy thing on my plate and making me eat, saying its good for me. RIGHT! Well, still trying to find out what exactly he has in store for me...he refuses to tell me anything! I'm itching for a small hint to this news of his. Argh.
There's this never-ending wish of mine that popped out right in front of me today. I want to be happy all the time. Forever.

I so love love love the top!
"The world is too big for someone as small as you; too busy for someone so insignificant as you."
Too big, too cruel. (Taken from Number the Stars)
I need to break free.
Considering the option of furthering my studies overseas instead of NUS/NTU. However, I realise I have so much to to cling on to here - the culture, security, familarity found nowhere else. And if I ever do go overseas to study, it will be useless to return back to Singapore.
Should I? Not a question to be answered, but for me to carefully weigh out the pros and cons of this new prospect. Never have I considered the overseas option till 2 days ago. Still thinking about it. There's also the money problem. And having a scholarship doesn't hide that problem.
Monday, October 06, 2003Too big, too cruel. (Taken from Number the Stars)
I need to break free.
Considering the option of furthering my studies overseas instead of NUS/NTU. However, I realise I have so much to to cling on to here - the culture, security, familarity found nowhere else. And if I ever do go overseas to study, it will be useless to return back to Singapore.
Should I? Not a question to be answered, but for me to carefully weigh out the pros and cons of this new prospect. Never have I considered the overseas option till 2 days ago. Still thinking about it. There's also the money problem. And having a scholarship doesn't hide that problem.
"Mem is a lovely looking woman. But there are plenty more fish in the sea."
"And all of them so slippery, Harry." -Man and Wife (author Tony parsons)
That never occured to me before! :) Oh well, mum agreed that my gown is nice. *beams* Tomyam fish slice soup on a cold rainy weather is the best. Not to mention that I made the stupid suggestion to walk from our school to the interchange in the rain (with our umbrellas of course). Feeling so hungry that I ate some vege that my mum just cooked up...mmmm. Taste so good and fresh, looks so wonder restaurant food is nice - steaming hot, tasty, and little. Took neoprints with the other 3 today..some funny machine at TM, bloody pen was spoilt so we had to bang on the screen...didn't understand Japanese so our shots came out in like 36 small (super small) prints! Rargh. Gonna continue reading the "Man and Wife" book...its a great story, the one before this is "Man and Boy", its realistic, something I like very much.
Dinner. :)
Saturday, October 04, 2003"And all of them so slippery, Harry." -Man and Wife (author Tony parsons)
That never occured to me before! :) Oh well, mum agreed that my gown is nice. *beams* Tomyam fish slice soup on a cold rainy weather is the best. Not to mention that I made the stupid suggestion to walk from our school to the interchange in the rain (with our umbrellas of course). Feeling so hungry that I ate some vege that my mum just cooked up...mmmm. Taste so good and fresh, looks so wonder restaurant food is nice - steaming hot, tasty, and little. Took neoprints with the other 3 today..some funny machine at TM, bloody pen was spoilt so we had to bang on the screen...didn't understand Japanese so our shots came out in like 36 small (super small) prints! Rargh. Gonna continue reading the "Man and Wife" book...its a great story, the one before this is "Man and Boy", its realistic, something I like very much.
Dinner. :)
So. Which will it be? *blur-ness*
Rotten rotten weather. Totally ruined my plans to cycle over to East Coast and suntan at my favourite spot. *whines*
Looking at the Singaporean Models Finals yesterday, I begin to wonder how many of them actually do exercise, because all I see are mainly skinny bodies showing rib-cages and bottom heavy girls. Leg muscles are obviously negligible because they were soooooooo wobbly!
Okay, okay, nevertheless they have relatively wonderful bodies, with their height and all, mostly hitting a 1.7m and above. I am impressed. Here I am being a 1.71m yet I probably have a wider body than theirs. *grins madly* However, they simply do not have a face of a model's. Where have all the sharp defined features gone? I saw a few puffy cheeks, rounded button-like noses, small slit eyes and undefined jaw lines. Yes. I am very critical. So? Sue me.
Come to think of it, many of those people out there are such bums. B-U-M-M-E-R-S. *snarls*
Friday, October 03, 2003Looking at the Singaporean Models Finals yesterday, I begin to wonder how many of them actually do exercise, because all I see are mainly skinny bodies showing rib-cages and bottom heavy girls. Leg muscles are obviously negligible because they were soooooooo wobbly!
Okay, okay, nevertheless they have relatively wonderful bodies, with their height and all, mostly hitting a 1.7m and above. I am impressed. Here I am being a 1.71m yet I probably have a wider body than theirs. *grins madly* However, they simply do not have a face of a model's. Where have all the sharp defined features gone? I saw a few puffy cheeks, rounded button-like noses, small slit eyes and undefined jaw lines. Yes. I am very critical. So? Sue me.

Come to think of it, many of those people out there are such bums. B-U-M-M-E-R-S. *snarls*

Sun was finally glorious after so many rainy days. But not much of a tan! At least everyday I get a tiny wee tanner. *hopeful look*
Finally bought that pair of Nike dri-fit pants, except that it could both be a pair of long pants, and when you unzip away the connecting part, it becomes a pair of three-quarter pants, which is rather good! *beams happily* Depression lifts a bit when I buy something I like. Though it costs a bomb. *gulp*
Grades are most probably gonna be a B, C, and a D, with a D7 in GP. Sigh. Or if I'm unlucky enough, an E8. Talked to Mr Chung today about going to NTU/NIE to take up this teaching course, or to head over to NUS to specialize in Geography so that I will have a wider choice of what I can do in the future. Sometimes I wonder my mum and the family insist on getting me geared towards the NTU/NIE teaching course (just because I have an edge over others because of music? and that the course pays me an allowance every month so that I can basically study free?) when my interests are somewhere else. I know its impossible for me to excel in advertising, which is something I've been yearning to do since young but lack the creativity to. Face it, the advertising industry in Singapore is so small that I don't have much of a chance to shine. However, do I really want to be trapped within the system of MOE forever? Starting from Primary 2 to Singapore Universaties, only to be part of MOE as a teacher in the future? I have no clue on what to do in my future. Of course a decent pay will be essential, I can't afford to take risks to be jobless for even a short period of time because I will need the money. Say I am money-driven, I'd rather call it being practical. These few days have been spent arguing with my mum over my results, over what I want to do in the future, and trying to convince myself that I will like teaching. Do I really want it?
Hmm, enough thoughts. Dinner time.
Thursday, October 02, 2003Finally bought that pair of Nike dri-fit pants, except that it could both be a pair of long pants, and when you unzip away the connecting part, it becomes a pair of three-quarter pants, which is rather good! *beams happily* Depression lifts a bit when I buy something I like. Though it costs a bomb. *gulp*
Grades are most probably gonna be a B, C, and a D, with a D7 in GP. Sigh. Or if I'm unlucky enough, an E8. Talked to Mr Chung today about going to NTU/NIE to take up this teaching course, or to head over to NUS to specialize in Geography so that I will have a wider choice of what I can do in the future. Sometimes I wonder my mum and the family insist on getting me geared towards the NTU/NIE teaching course (just because I have an edge over others because of music? and that the course pays me an allowance every month so that I can basically study free?) when my interests are somewhere else. I know its impossible for me to excel in advertising, which is something I've been yearning to do since young but lack the creativity to. Face it, the advertising industry in Singapore is so small that I don't have much of a chance to shine. However, do I really want to be trapped within the system of MOE forever? Starting from Primary 2 to Singapore Universaties, only to be part of MOE as a teacher in the future? I have no clue on what to do in my future. Of course a decent pay will be essential, I can't afford to take risks to be jobless for even a short period of time because I will need the money. Say I am money-driven, I'd rather call it being practical. These few days have been spent arguing with my mum over my results, over what I want to do in the future, and trying to convince myself that I will like teaching. Do I really want it?
Hmm, enough thoughts. Dinner time.

Orange milkshake... *forlorn look* I shall drink orange milkshake tomorrow. Yea.
Past few days have been in a blur. Seeing different expressions on faces of people around me upon receiving back their scripts. Terrified looks caught in a micro-second as some hesitate to see their marks. Gasps, shock, disbelief, immediate swearing, sniffles (thankfully no crying yet :\ ) you name it, you have it.
After relatively good news, I am finally thrown back down hard on the ground. Its the GP results once again. This time, I am convinced that my English standard is just...there. You know, bottom? Rock bottom. June Common Tests weren't a fluke. Really. Oh well, I guess its high time I focus my effort to GP rather than my core subjects, which sounds rather wrong, but well, I have to.
So. Got back Maths, 2 out of 3 Lit papers (leaving the Gothic essays), Physical Geog. All I need are the 2 Gothic essays and Human Geog to make my grades complete. I am hoping a B, C, D. I can't hope for more.
I am so so happy for those who have done better than they have expected : Suzanne for GP (keep it up girl! *smiles*), Christina for Phy Geog. (see? kan jiong for what? Miss J refuse to look at you doesn't mean you are that bad what.). I am sure all for us can make it for the A levels, don't despair. Which also means I have to pick myself up again. Well! Last haul through, may as well do it good and without any regrets. We can't just lose hope and stop at Prelims. I hope this can at least get some over their initial depression and carry on "running" towards the finishing line. Painful, but we are all as a group. Nobody is alone in this.
Stupid school gates were closed even to the year 2s. And it has to be that damn OM again. Just has to exercise his authority over somebody else, so he pathetically chose the servants. Oh well. Out of the school by 12.30pm, headed down to City Hall to meet him and I guess, to walk around trying to lift my depression. Have this sudden urge to head over to Topshop to buy a sleeveless top, but I didn't have money. Drifted around Raffles City (literally) aimlessly, looking so listless. Headed back after an hour of walking. Still not feeling good.
At least orange milkshake made my day. The forever-red face, soft brownish hair that flops about coz he didn't gel it! Ooooh lala. For once, fish slice noodles in school actually taste good. *sheepish grin*
Attempted to play the piano, mastered a page of this really nice song by Chopin (yay) sounds so beautiful, really beautiful, if only I had a grand piano to play it. With the right touch, the music produced will sound heavenly, just heavenly. Played another 2 pieces from the Romantic period, all from Chopin. His pieces are simply too beautiful to be true, so is Brahms, Brahms for his dark and stormy pieces. Especially wonderful to express out on my piano because I can bang away with a depressed pedal so that the whole house will echo, vibrate with the music.
If only I can be lost in the world of music forever.
After relatively good news, I am finally thrown back down hard on the ground. Its the GP results once again. This time, I am convinced that my English standard is just...there. You know, bottom? Rock bottom. June Common Tests weren't a fluke. Really. Oh well, I guess its high time I focus my effort to GP rather than my core subjects, which sounds rather wrong, but well, I have to.
So. Got back Maths, 2 out of 3 Lit papers (leaving the Gothic essays), Physical Geog. All I need are the 2 Gothic essays and Human Geog to make my grades complete. I am hoping a B, C, D. I can't hope for more.
I am so so happy for those who have done better than they have expected : Suzanne for GP (keep it up girl! *smiles*), Christina for Phy Geog. (see? kan jiong for what? Miss J refuse to look at you doesn't mean you are that bad what.). I am sure all for us can make it for the A levels, don't despair. Which also means I have to pick myself up again. Well! Last haul through, may as well do it good and without any regrets. We can't just lose hope and stop at Prelims. I hope this can at least get some over their initial depression and carry on "running" towards the finishing line. Painful, but we are all as a group. Nobody is alone in this.
Stupid school gates were closed even to the year 2s. And it has to be that damn OM again. Just has to exercise his authority over somebody else, so he pathetically chose the servants. Oh well. Out of the school by 12.30pm, headed down to City Hall to meet him and I guess, to walk around trying to lift my depression. Have this sudden urge to head over to Topshop to buy a sleeveless top, but I didn't have money. Drifted around Raffles City (literally) aimlessly, looking so listless. Headed back after an hour of walking. Still not feeling good.
At least orange milkshake made my day. The forever-red face, soft brownish hair that flops about coz he didn't gel it! Ooooh lala. For once, fish slice noodles in school actually taste good. *sheepish grin*
Attempted to play the piano, mastered a page of this really nice song by Chopin (yay) sounds so beautiful, really beautiful, if only I had a grand piano to play it. With the right touch, the music produced will sound heavenly, just heavenly. Played another 2 pieces from the Romantic period, all from Chopin. His pieces are simply too beautiful to be true, so is Brahms, Brahms for his dark and stormy pieces. Especially wonderful to express out on my piano because I can bang away with a depressed pedal so that the whole house will echo, vibrate with the music.
If only I can be lost in the world of music forever.