Found the quarry at Tampines area when I went biking today.
Very peaceful place, though mosquitoes and ants were feasting on me as if I was some walking buffet meal to them. Lotsa pond skaters, discovered one pathetic but rather fat fish. Looks like the fish that I normally eat every dinner. *wry smile* It did feel good to be biking around after one day of maths. It was a waste William didn't bring his camera with him today, otherwise there would be alot of nice scenery pics to take. The quarry is one, the opposite side was an area of calm water, with literally lush greenery...undisturbed.
Then cycled over to Bedok Reservoir because I wanted to cruise along and enjoy the wind, decided to complete one round round the reservoir, using the non-joggers trail. 2nd slope uphill was damn tiring though, coz' it was super steep. But the view up there was rewarding. Again, too bad no camera. Nevermind. Will take the picture when I get the chance. Finished up the round, and I failed to hop up the stairs with my bike again, nearly crashed. Yikes. I will muster hopping my bike up steps. *determined look*
Feeling good overall. Tonight will be Physical Geography. Time to focus.
Saturday, August 30, 2003Very peaceful place, though mosquitoes and ants were feasting on me as if I was some walking buffet meal to them. Lotsa pond skaters, discovered one pathetic but rather fat fish. Looks like the fish that I normally eat every dinner. *wry smile* It did feel good to be biking around after one day of maths. It was a waste William didn't bring his camera with him today, otherwise there would be alot of nice scenery pics to take. The quarry is one, the opposite side was an area of calm water, with literally lush greenery...undisturbed.
Then cycled over to Bedok Reservoir because I wanted to cruise along and enjoy the wind, decided to complete one round round the reservoir, using the non-joggers trail. 2nd slope uphill was damn tiring though, coz' it was super steep. But the view up there was rewarding. Again, too bad no camera. Nevermind. Will take the picture when I get the chance. Finished up the round, and I failed to hop up the stairs with my bike again, nearly crashed. Yikes. I will muster hopping my bike up steps. *determined look*
Feeling good overall. Tonight will be Physical Geography. Time to focus.
I finally touched on Donne today. At last (!) I am beginning to understand that witty man who had me baffled since last year about his poems. Today is the day I attain enlightenment. *punches fist into air*
Prelims are a two weeks away. *AGGH!*
I think I am going nuts. Been looking at that envelope and grinning madly to myself. Then the smile is wiped off abruptly when my mum yells "Girl! Are you sure you are studying?" Yes mum, I only took like 1 second to look up from my Donne-ish texts and glance somewhere else. *mutters*. Aye, maaaathers.
Seems rather funny when my mum tells me to study in school since I can concentrate better, yet complains when I stay back late in school to finish up a chapter so that my trend of thoughts won't break. Funny that she often nags me to catch some sleep in the afternoon in the weekdays so that I can study better at night yet yells into my ear in a futile attempt to wake me up when I fall asleep in the afternoons during the weekends. Funny how she tells me to study all the time yet gets angry when I casually said I wanted to stay home to complete my work when she wants me to help her with the marketing. I think she lives in permanent contradiction. hmm.
My grandpa, on the other hand, seems to love to get me into trouble.
Scenario 1.
Granpa: Your daughter always talking on the phone with guys huh?
Mum: *yells at xp* Girl! You talking on the phone with guys?
Me: Huh? I called a girl to ask a maths question just now?!
Scenario 2.
Granpa: Your daughter brought home a guy today. Dunno what they doing behind locked doors, must be up to hanky panky.
Mum: *narrows eyes at xp* What he said is true?
Me: I thought you know so-and-so coming over to study? Hallo? I never even close the bloody door lor, let alone lock it. Please ask him to get his facts right before I get accused of such things again.
(I bet he must be smirking away. *mutters*)
Friday, August 29, 2003Prelims are a two weeks away. *AGGH!*
I think I am going nuts. Been looking at that envelope and grinning madly to myself. Then the smile is wiped off abruptly when my mum yells "Girl! Are you sure you are studying?" Yes mum, I only took like 1 second to look up from my Donne-ish texts and glance somewhere else. *mutters*. Aye, maaaathers.
Seems rather funny when my mum tells me to study in school since I can concentrate better, yet complains when I stay back late in school to finish up a chapter so that my trend of thoughts won't break. Funny that she often nags me to catch some sleep in the afternoon in the weekdays so that I can study better at night yet yells into my ear in a futile attempt to wake me up when I fall asleep in the afternoons during the weekends. Funny how she tells me to study all the time yet gets angry when I casually said I wanted to stay home to complete my work when she wants me to help her with the marketing. I think she lives in permanent contradiction. hmm.
My grandpa, on the other hand, seems to love to get me into trouble.
Scenario 1.
Granpa: Your daughter always talking on the phone with guys huh?
Mum: *yells at xp* Girl! You talking on the phone with guys?
Me: Huh? I called a girl to ask a maths question just now?!
Scenario 2.
Granpa: Your daughter brought home a guy today. Dunno what they doing behind locked doors, must be up to hanky panky.
Mum: *narrows eyes at xp* What he said is true?
Me: I thought you know so-and-so coming over to study? Hallo? I never even close the bloody door lor, let alone lock it. Please ask him to get his facts right before I get accused of such things again.
(I bet he must be smirking away. *mutters*)
Ho-hum. So what? Well, what can I say? Perhaps I can start by saying that I hate your hair. How's that? THen I can move on to discuss your insensitivity. How about talking on the matter of your thoughtlessness? Maybe I can indulge you with a debate on the varying degrees of boredom that I get whenever you start to talk. Or I can just be brutally frank and say that I'm simply sick and tired of your face.
But hey, it's our special day so I guess I'll just try to hide my true feelings. (I was kidding.)
*grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin*
*flashes big wide cheesy smile and laughs hysterically*
I am happy!
But hey, it's our special day so I guess I'll just try to hide my true feelings. (I was kidding.)
*grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin*
*flashes big wide cheesy smile and laughs hysterically*
I am happy!
Haven't got to send this mail out so I may as well put it here on a Friday morning after I failed miserably to wake up in time for school. My gosh. I am such a pig
Have you ever...
*Ever been so drunk you blacked out: nah. i watch my alcohol intake. *grins*
* Missed school B/coz it was raining: yeah, i think i went late most of the time tho'. (kor you're lousy lor!)
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: no. what's so amusing about that?
* Got hurt emotionally: yeah. learnt to get over it.
* Kept a secret from everyone: i have my own..but very little i guess.
* Had an imaginary friend: nope. my walls do a great job of listening to me every now and then tho'.
* Cried during a Movie: not in the cinema, in a home-movie, yeah.
* Had a crush on a teacher: no. no one worth the crush.
* Ever thought an animated character was hot? ooh yeah. but i'd rather learn how to draw anime rather than oggle.
* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: *peng* i remember the songs!
* Been on stage: yup. since i started schooling. only JC years never been on stage. bleahz.
* Cut your hair : allll the time. its the "i wanna layer my hair!" phase all over again.
* Shampoo: Organics Good Hair Days shampoo. *highly recommended*
* Soap: urm. Some peachy flavour. I think its called Palmolive something.
* hair colour: blackish.
* Day/Night: day, where the sun is shining!
* Summer/Winter: summer!
* Lace or satin: naked. <-- kor, I GIVE UP on you. next time i'll tell my future da sao everything! [my choice: satin.]
* Fave cartoon Characters: Cartoon? Jerry. Roadrunner. Gee. And I was thinking of Johnny Bravo. *faints*
* Fave Food: alot.
* Fave Advert: The Starhub ones, where the mother calls the son and starts yaking nonstop..haha.
* Fave Movie: don't know.
* Fave Ice Cream: orange sherbet. Hard to find nia!
* Fave Subject: Strictly physical geog.
* Fave 'normal' Drink: water. orange with lemon juice.
* Fave Persons to talk to online: those i know pretty much well.
Right now
* Wearing: FBT shorts and some t-shirt that says "HOT" in the front and "COLD" at the back. Hilarious.
* Hair is: side parting.hanging all over my face. messed up.
* I'm feeling: sleepy
* Eating: -
* Drinking: Cold Milo
* Thinkin bout: what to do later when I meet him.
* Listening to: Chen Yin Jian - Ao Ye
* Talkin to: icq-ing with a friend.
In the last 24 hours
* Cried: I teared because I had a bloody runny nose!
* Met someone New : erh, no.
*Cleaned your room: i swept up some hair.
*Done laundry: wads the washing machine for... (yah precisely. just dump everything in!)
* Drove a car: no ler.
Do you believe in...
* Yourself: yes.
*Your friends: yeah, but i learnt its a scary world out there.
* Santa Claus: no. no chimney to begin with. and he certainly can't squeeze through my window grills.
* Tooth Fairy: no. my teeth all end up at the dentist.
* Destiny/Fate: rather!
* Ghosts: yeah, but i rather not encounter them first hand.
* UFO's: ooh. fickle.
Friends and Life
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: mmhmm.
* Like anyone?: -
* Who's the loudest: darling christina!
* Who's the shyest: erh. heh. a couple of friends.
*Who's the weirdest: not applicable. EVERYBODY is weird.
* Who do you go to for advice: kor. boyf. friends.
* Who do you cry to?: cry to? I don't purposely cry to someone else. Gee.
* When you cried the most: this year would be this period of time where the whole world came crashing down on me.
* Whats the best feeling in the world: triumph. the feeling of success.
* Worst feeling: betrayal.
* Who r your TOP 3 best friends now? equality.
* Who sent this: alwyn.
* Do u want all your friends to do this and send it back to you?: anything lah.
*LAST WORDS: its a scary world out there. But learn to overcome it? Ahhhh.
Wednesday, August 27, 2003Have you ever...
*Ever been so drunk you blacked out: nah. i watch my alcohol intake. *grins*
* Missed school B/coz it was raining: yeah, i think i went late most of the time tho'. (kor you're lousy lor!)
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: no. what's so amusing about that?
* Got hurt emotionally: yeah. learnt to get over it.
* Kept a secret from everyone: i have my own..but very little i guess.
* Had an imaginary friend: nope. my walls do a great job of listening to me every now and then tho'.
* Cried during a Movie: not in the cinema, in a home-movie, yeah.
* Had a crush on a teacher: no. no one worth the crush.
* Ever thought an animated character was hot? ooh yeah. but i'd rather learn how to draw anime rather than oggle.
* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: *peng* i remember the songs!
* Been on stage: yup. since i started schooling. only JC years never been on stage. bleahz.
* Cut your hair : allll the time. its the "i wanna layer my hair!" phase all over again.
* Shampoo: Organics Good Hair Days shampoo. *highly recommended*
* Soap: urm. Some peachy flavour. I think its called Palmolive something.
* hair colour: blackish.
* Day/Night: day, where the sun is shining!
* Summer/Winter: summer!
* Lace or satin: naked. <-- kor, I GIVE UP on you. next time i'll tell my future da sao everything! [my choice: satin.]
* Fave cartoon Characters: Cartoon? Jerry. Roadrunner. Gee. And I was thinking of Johnny Bravo. *faints*
* Fave Food: alot.
* Fave Advert: The Starhub ones, where the mother calls the son and starts yaking nonstop..haha.
* Fave Movie: don't know.
* Fave Ice Cream: orange sherbet. Hard to find nia!
* Fave Subject: Strictly physical geog.
* Fave 'normal' Drink: water. orange with lemon juice.
* Fave Persons to talk to online: those i know pretty much well.
Right now
* Wearing: FBT shorts and some t-shirt that says "HOT" in the front and "COLD" at the back. Hilarious.
* Hair is: side parting.hanging all over my face. messed up.
* I'm feeling: sleepy
* Eating: -
* Drinking: Cold Milo
* Thinkin bout: what to do later when I meet him.
* Listening to: Chen Yin Jian - Ao Ye
* Talkin to: icq-ing with a friend.
In the last 24 hours
* Cried: I teared because I had a bloody runny nose!
* Met someone New : erh, no.
*Cleaned your room: i swept up some hair.
*Done laundry: wads the washing machine for... (yah precisely. just dump everything in!)
* Drove a car: no ler.
Do you believe in...
* Yourself: yes.
*Your friends: yeah, but i learnt its a scary world out there.
* Santa Claus: no. no chimney to begin with. and he certainly can't squeeze through my window grills.
* Tooth Fairy: no. my teeth all end up at the dentist.
* Destiny/Fate: rather!
* Ghosts: yeah, but i rather not encounter them first hand.
* UFO's: ooh. fickle.
Friends and Life
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: mmhmm.
* Like anyone?: -
* Who's the loudest: darling christina!
* Who's the shyest: erh. heh. a couple of friends.
*Who's the weirdest: not applicable. EVERYBODY is weird.
* Who do you go to for advice: kor. boyf. friends.
* Who do you cry to?: cry to? I don't purposely cry to someone else. Gee.
* When you cried the most: this year would be this period of time where the whole world came crashing down on me.
* Whats the best feeling in the world: triumph. the feeling of success.
* Worst feeling: betrayal.
* Who r your TOP 3 best friends now? equality.
* Who sent this: alwyn.
* Do u want all your friends to do this and send it back to you?: anything lah.
*LAST WORDS: its a scary world out there. But learn to overcome it? Ahhhh.
"Hauling the balloon and huge A3 size flimsy card to school made me feel as if I am going camping. The board HY made was bigger than I had expected, there is something seriously wrong with my ability to estimate size. I should not drive. Rather uneventful day, but Xtina's hair really made her look super feminine and sweet. (pls girl, trust me. You do look sweet!) Steamboat at Suz's place, her mum is one wonderful host, giving us food and more was really a great dinner. Eat until tummies are all bulging out. -grins- I did found out that night that HY is a great 'dishwasher' though! *silly grin*"
I hope things go back to normal. Sometimes it can hurt to be too close within a group. Manage to understand people a little better, but I guess I still fall into the habit of making too rash decisions. Will have to learn to watch myself abit.
Time really flies by fast, no longer do I see full attendance in 36/02. In fact, I doubt I have ever seen a full attendance during morning assembly throughout the entire 1 half years I spent in TJC. Makes me wonder how much effort some of them put into being part of the class itself. Come to think of it, I think I am at fault as well. *sheepish look* Maybe it is the sudden found freedom in JC life compared to secondary school life where discipline is super strict, that is why we cannot find time to bond as a class in the first place? *ponders* But I do know, the period of time spent in TJ is indeed very short, it takes me back to the first day of Orientation, the first day I got to meet my class without knowing anybody beforehand in the first place, after first 3 months, the time I met my new classmates who will join 36/02. Thank God those that made up the class were wonderful, it just adds flavour to the class. How will it be in university and beyond when we slip into the cracks of society 10 years down the road?
2 more days, in fact, considering that not many are going school on Friday, tomorrow will be the last day we spend time together as a class. May not be enough to bring tears to my eyes, but enough to reminiscise about. Suddenly, all these will move into pages of history, where 2003 becomes the 12th year of schooling I receive, apart from kindergarden/nursery days. (those don't count lah -_-)
Right now, even as we work towards the Prelims and eventually the A-levels, I wish you all best of luck down the path of life. That is the very least I can offer for a brief grasp of the present time. Gee. I think my grammar is going. Thank you all, for framing my life in Temasek JC. *smiles*
Sunday, August 24, 2003"Hauling the balloon and huge A3 size flimsy card to school made me feel as if I am going camping. The board HY made was bigger than I had expected, there is something seriously wrong with my ability to estimate size. I should not drive. Rather uneventful day, but Xtina's hair really made her look super feminine and sweet. (pls girl, trust me. You do look sweet!) Steamboat at Suz's place, her mum is one wonderful host, giving us food and more was really a great dinner. Eat until tummies are all bulging out. -grins- I did found out that night that HY is a great 'dishwasher' though! *silly grin*"
I hope things go back to normal. Sometimes it can hurt to be too close within a group. Manage to understand people a little better, but I guess I still fall into the habit of making too rash decisions. Will have to learn to watch myself abit.
Time really flies by fast, no longer do I see full attendance in 36/02. In fact, I doubt I have ever seen a full attendance during morning assembly throughout the entire 1 half years I spent in TJC. Makes me wonder how much effort some of them put into being part of the class itself. Come to think of it, I think I am at fault as well. *sheepish look* Maybe it is the sudden found freedom in JC life compared to secondary school life where discipline is super strict, that is why we cannot find time to bond as a class in the first place? *ponders* But I do know, the period of time spent in TJ is indeed very short, it takes me back to the first day of Orientation, the first day I got to meet my class without knowing anybody beforehand in the first place, after first 3 months, the time I met my new classmates who will join 36/02. Thank God those that made up the class were wonderful, it just adds flavour to the class. How will it be in university and beyond when we slip into the cracks of society 10 years down the road?
2 more days, in fact, considering that not many are going school on Friday, tomorrow will be the last day we spend time together as a class. May not be enough to bring tears to my eyes, but enough to reminiscise about. Suddenly, all these will move into pages of history, where 2003 becomes the 12th year of schooling I receive, apart from kindergarden/nursery days. (those don't count lah -_-)
Right now, even as we work towards the Prelims and eventually the A-levels, I wish you all best of luck down the path of life. That is the very least I can offer for a brief grasp of the present time. Gee. I think my grammar is going. Thank you all, for framing my life in Temasek JC. *smiles*
I am so dead.
How apt the situation is now for me, to quote from someone out there who is so fond of using this phrase.
Sigh. I wish I've never gotten tangled in this web, I feel like a fly trapped in a particular web, wishing like anything how it never stepped onto the ensnaring web of complications.
Wake up, xp. Your studies are more important.
Saturday, August 23, 2003How apt the situation is now for me, to quote from someone out there who is so fond of using this phrase.
Sigh. I wish I've never gotten tangled in this web, I feel like a fly trapped in a particular web, wishing like anything how it never stepped onto the ensnaring web of complications.
Wake up, xp. Your studies are more important.
HY's printer is good. At least I think all printers are good compared to mine. Blaghz. Mine prints in lines, I think I should donate it to some small private newspaper firm. *mutters*
Headed over to Far East to check out the hair treatment prices, finally settled on one. Darling Queen X came a freaking 2 hours late *glares* but nevermind, we know she'd definitely be happy happy happy over her final hair result! *smiles* Now I feel like doing something to my hair. So very tempting.
Bought a bag for mummy, its pretty much like working style, she kinda liked it.. *phew* And she was like "We share okay?" Haha, I think I'll look so auntie-ish in that bag..but heck. Its a bag! Saw a nice small hand pouch at a shop, $16 for a teeny weeny thing *sigh* but its kinda cute and feel like buying it..ahhhhh.
Suz bought some Indian looking sleeveless top. I tell you, suz, I think you were an Indian in your past life or something. *faints* And a t-shirt. Ooh lala.
Its 10pm already! Omg. I think I have better start bucking up in my revision, I am so behind time.
Friday, August 22, 2003Headed over to Far East to check out the hair treatment prices, finally settled on one. Darling Queen X came a freaking 2 hours late *glares* but nevermind, we know she'd definitely be happy happy happy over her final hair result! *smiles* Now I feel like doing something to my hair. So very tempting.
Bought a bag for mummy, its pretty much like working style, she kinda liked it.. *phew* And she was like "We share okay?" Haha, I think I'll look so auntie-ish in that bag..but heck. Its a bag! Saw a nice small hand pouch at a shop, $16 for a teeny weeny thing *sigh* but its kinda cute and feel like buying it..ahhhhh.
Suz bought some Indian looking sleeveless top. I tell you, suz, I think you were an Indian in your past life or something. *faints* And a t-shirt. Ooh lala.
Its 10pm already! Omg. I think I have better start bucking up in my revision, I am so behind time.

cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ahhhh! I have finished the collage! *beams*
Had a rather good day today, abit of froghorn-like cough left but nevertheless still alllright. Thanks for your concern, everybody! *feels truly loved*
Hunter didn't appear for lessons today, poor man, must have forgotten about us. Well. Saw him on the field dressed in black t-shirt and black shorts (yes, black shorts the length of our PE shorts) as a referee in the inter-house rugby match today. Saw some people fly and land "whoomp" on the grass admist the tackle and everything. Oww for the players. *winces*
Funny, Miss J commented on how she liked my organiser; I was wondering whether she was referring to the horrible "Stressed" word I sketched onto some rough paper. *blur* Ooh well. Come to think of it, I shall miss her when I leave TJ.
Ah. Last week to official school end, parting has to come once again. Why is it that always to the very last end do we start trying to salvage what we had failed to do for the previous one and a half years? At least Singapore is small. We will meet again. :)
Living in bliss? I think I am.
Thursday, August 21, 2003Ahhhh! I have finished the collage! *beams*
Had a rather good day today, abit of froghorn-like cough left but nevertheless still alllright. Thanks for your concern, everybody! *feels truly loved*
Hunter didn't appear for lessons today, poor man, must have forgotten about us. Well. Saw him on the field dressed in black t-shirt and black shorts (yes, black shorts the length of our PE shorts) as a referee in the inter-house rugby match today. Saw some people fly and land "whoomp" on the grass admist the tackle and everything. Oww for the players. *winces*
Funny, Miss J commented on how she liked my organiser; I was wondering whether she was referring to the horrible "Stressed" word I sketched onto some rough paper. *blur* Ooh well. Come to think of it, I shall miss her when I leave TJ.
Ah. Last week to official school end, parting has to come once again. Why is it that always to the very last end do we start trying to salvage what we had failed to do for the previous one and a half years? At least Singapore is small. We will meet again. :)
Living in bliss? I think I am.

The ULTIMATE personality test
brought to you by Quizilla
What utter rubbish. Or maybe that's my alter-ego that appears when I'm alone by myself or something. *guffaws*
Finally completed the friendship band that took 11 months to make. My gawd. Its rather screwed up though. I am convinced I don't have any proper colour sense. I should live in my world of black and white. Hahaha.
I think I shall screw the Geog test. Obviously, I haven't finished studying. Can't wait to get back to school tomorrow. I've been talking to my walls, my reflection, my stationery and blah blah. Bound to drive one crazy if this carries on. Anywayyyy. Went to collect the bowling team photos, they turned out GREAT! :D
It doesn't matter how consistent you are in popping Vitamin Cs into your body, there will come a day where you'll fall ill no matter what. I think that's what happened to me. All the rubbish about Vitamin Cs. *mumbles*
It sucks having a flu and cough and sore throat all at the same time, only to find out you have also lost your voice. Haiiiiyooooooo. Its always the same old things. Not to mention that if your stomach's weak and if you take strepsils and herbal tea to relieve the soreness of your throat and hopefully to get your voice back, you have one more problem to tackle : laxative effects of strepsils and herbal tea. I think I'm staying home for another day. Didn't study for the population essay tomorrow even though I bummed at home today. Spent most of my time sleeping, stoning, staring at the notes, sleeping again...feeling all woozy. Blearghz.
Stupid archives decided not to work. I will not put them there anyway. Meanwhile I'll find something else to put.
Feeling :
Sunday, August 17, 2003It sucks having a flu and cough and sore throat all at the same time, only to find out you have also lost your voice. Haiiiiyooooooo. Its always the same old things. Not to mention that if your stomach's weak and if you take strepsils and herbal tea to relieve the soreness of your throat and hopefully to get your voice back, you have one more problem to tackle : laxative effects of strepsils and herbal tea. I think I'm staying home for another day. Didn't study for the population essay tomorrow even though I bummed at home today. Spent most of my time sleeping, stoning, staring at the notes, sleeping again...feeling all woozy. Blearghz.
Stupid archives decided not to work. I will not put them there anyway. Meanwhile I'll find something else to put.
Feeling :

Updated two pages of pictures on picture page. After tolerating a very laggy .
link to updated pictures.
link to updated pictures.
I hate it when I LNG. Damn, its so hard to differentiate gastric pains, stomach-aches, stomach-cramps and every other aches when its centred all around my stomach and blah. I think its all.
Saturday, August 16, 2003*sigH*
Aggh, I hate when the exams approach. Gowns gowns gowns! Saw this shimmery grey cloth at Spotlight, it look so classy and so nice and right away I thought how the design of my gown will look with that colour. *dreamy look* Considering toga and neck-tie though, can't decide on which to choose. At least I know that I have to have something that touches the floor. Shows off my height.
Alright. Back to reality. Back to P.C. essay.
Friday, August 15, 2003Alright. Back to reality. Back to P.C. essay.
I never used to be possesive. Am I now?
Why is it that I cannot stay bright and cheery like I wish to be all day long? Why is it so hard to put on a smile on my face even when I feel happy seeing you? Why is it that I must stay glum, as if to drive you away from me?
Questions and more questions...go un-answered.
Wednesday, August 13, 2003Why is it that I cannot stay bright and cheery like I wish to be all day long? Why is it so hard to put on a smile on my face even when I feel happy seeing you? Why is it that I must stay glum, as if to drive you away from me?
Questions and more questions...go un-answered.
Angelfire is down, yet again! I think I'm gonna uproot myself and migrate to another server. Just cleared the stupid worm virus, after figuring out what the hell is wrong with my computer. Life can just suck like hell. Why don't my fats get suck off as well too? Blearghz.
So. So so so so so. Less than 3 weeks to end of school before the study breaks and prelims set in, yikes. The prelim timetable is rather freakish. Gah. Don't know what to do with all the pictures I have in my computer now that Angelfire is so unreliable. Bleahz. Took pictures with the team today. Turned out nice. Yay-ish.
Saturday, August 09, 2003So. So so so so so. Less than 3 weeks to end of school before the study breaks and prelims set in, yikes. The prelim timetable is rather freakish. Gah. Don't know what to do with all the pictures I have in my computer now that Angelfire is so unreliable. Bleahz. Took pictures with the team today. Turned out nice. Yay-ish.

AAAAH! You're FLUFFO! You are mean to EVERYONE,
except those who may feed you or pet you.
You're small and fast, like a little black
cloud, so people often underestimate your
strength. Bad idea! You kick serious ass! You
go psycho and attack people for no reason,
usually right as they're petting you and you're
purring. You've been known to leap on
Rosiekins, and bite her neck and head viciously
when she's trying to sleep. You spend most of
your time in her room, because you're
manipulative, and knows she will feed you.
Which CAT Are YOU?!
brought to you by Quizilla
Somebody shoot me. I am bored.
You should be dating an Aries.
21 March - 19 April
This person is a leader, very energetic, always
helping others to achieve their dreams. Though
at times, Aries can be be bossy, jealous, and
selfish, this ram enjoys sexy new challenges in
What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
brought to you by Quizilla
*yells with laughter* ooomg!
I am indeed bored. 3 seperate posts on National Day. *sigh*
Topshop has more stuff to buy from. The darn Roxy slippers are still winking at me each time I step into a Roxy/Surfbabe shop. I shall not let my evil nature surface. Stop buying, girl.
I suppose most people do not realise how lucky they can be. After all, life isn't perfect. Some, have money showered on them but claim that their parents do not love them? Do not understand them? How often do we go shopping with our parents for the pleasure we get from shopping with them, or does it all boil down to our parents being our walking ATM machines? Or is it because one is able to afford buying for the brand rather than the product, but hanker after love in their life instead? Or perhaps, brains, figure, looks, money - almost perfect doesn't it seem so? Yet who are these people to ask for more, to ask the whole world to treat them how they wanted to be treated? Indeed as a friend of mine puts it, God is fair. For every one of us has at least a major fault for each goodness we make up in. Take a rather stereo-typical example. Guy A is good-looking but he's not likable. Guy B is below average, but he makes up for it in brains, or in character. :) *ponders* Is that all part of being human? Individuality.
If all these differences were to surface and repel one another, wouldn't the world be "war" and not "love"? I suppose 'acceptance' and 'tolerance' are the key factors to why this world has so much love in it. Unfortunately, it is a pity that not all are able to think that way. That's why life can suck, at times. Those little matters that make you bang your head against the wall and wonder why do such people exist? I suppose I fall into almost everything mentioned above. But, I'm definitely not the only one. Neither am I the worst of the lot.
Its all a matter of perspective.
Only children are mainly spoilt brats. Do I think so? Most probably they are. Because I am one too.
I suppose most people do not realise how lucky they can be. After all, life isn't perfect. Some, have money showered on them but claim that their parents do not love them? Do not understand them? How often do we go shopping with our parents for the pleasure we get from shopping with them, or does it all boil down to our parents being our walking ATM machines? Or is it because one is able to afford buying for the brand rather than the product, but hanker after love in their life instead? Or perhaps, brains, figure, looks, money - almost perfect doesn't it seem so? Yet who are these people to ask for more, to ask the whole world to treat them how they wanted to be treated? Indeed as a friend of mine puts it, God is fair. For every one of us has at least a major fault for each goodness we make up in. Take a rather stereo-typical example. Guy A is good-looking but he's not likable. Guy B is below average, but he makes up for it in brains, or in character. :) *ponders* Is that all part of being human? Individuality.
If all these differences were to surface and repel one another, wouldn't the world be "war" and not "love"? I suppose 'acceptance' and 'tolerance' are the key factors to why this world has so much love in it. Unfortunately, it is a pity that not all are able to think that way. That's why life can suck, at times. Those little matters that make you bang your head against the wall and wonder why do such people exist? I suppose I fall into almost everything mentioned above. But, I'm definitely not the only one. Neither am I the worst of the lot.
Its all a matter of perspective.
Only children are mainly spoilt brats. Do I think so? Most probably they are. Because I am one too.
There's always something wrong with the blogger template, keeps disappearing such that only half of it exists. GOOD thing I keep a back-up copy each time i edit the bloody thing.
Woke up feeling all sore and everything, which makes me realise how much I haven't been exercising lately. Still do the runs and everything, but I think the intensity can't be compared to what I did before? Ahh. Whatsoever. I'm still on that diet. And. I need a tan. *whines* Tan tan tan tan tan tan tan! 3 more weeks before the study break starts, and then prelims, and then no more school...time flies by pretty fast.
Oh. And Happy National Day.
Today feels like a Sunday because yesterday feels like a Saturday (considering I didn't go school and everything) and mum isn't working. And I wonder why I am up so early. I have to study!!!
My right butt hurts. *glum*
Feeling :
like goo. (all nua nua and everything)
Thursday, August 07, 2003Woke up feeling all sore and everything, which makes me realise how much I haven't been exercising lately. Still do the runs and everything, but I think the intensity can't be compared to what I did before? Ahh. Whatsoever. I'm still on that diet. And. I need a tan. *whines* Tan tan tan tan tan tan tan! 3 more weeks before the study break starts, and then prelims, and then no more school...time flies by pretty fast.
Oh. And Happy National Day.
Today feels like a Sunday because yesterday feels like a Saturday (considering I didn't go school and everything) and mum isn't working. And I wonder why I am up so early. I have to study!!!
My right butt hurts. *glum*
Feeling :

Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hmm, I wouldn't like to take that into consideration. Live life as it is I guess. Just went bowling today (after almost 3 months of no bowling at all?), crappp score, but considering I haven't touched the ball, and...I don't know. Took a long time to adjust back to normal play but even then I am still rather...insecure. I guess everything ties in with practice. Earned myself 3 to 4 blisters on the thumb, sheesh. I'm so pissssed with myself. Been feeling rotten and horribly tired the past few days, I hope everything will get better, things definitely can't get any worse than what had happened...
Settled Grad Night table deposits, was so scared of handling so much money at one time, I wonder how one can ever take the stress of being a cashier. *shudders* Tomorrow's National Day Celebrations, I think I'll stay home and sleep. One word : exhausted.

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Bought a thong from TopShop today. Feeling happy? Bernie finally decided on her black Roxy berms tho'. Don't worry lah, you look good in it my dear.
Feeling :

A rash decision to colour in an ugly drawing after being kicked out of GP tutorial.
I was talking to the bathroom walls, I wish you could have been there to hear what I had to say.
Be strong girl, you are on your own now. Be independent. You can't live on your parents forever.
Be very very strong.
Oh God, though what I feel like doing is to hurl myself out of the window right now. But never to hit the ground. Lift me up and let me fly above the massive destruction I see on the ground. Let me be buried 6 feet under, to feel life pulsating within the earth, to feel the soft murmur of my inner thoughts as I lay there, passive, waiting...waiting to be dug out, and cremated. Let my ashes scatter the earth, perhaps as showers of blessing, or plain irritation to the passing world. Let my soul be free, of everything but pure love I feel for those I really love out there, deep within my heart and soul.
Release the energy flowing within, let it radiate to all corners of my sphere. One can get up again. Pummel me again and again, I will get up again. I will stand tall, to carry your name, to carry your pride within me. Your daughter will not collapse. I will get up again.
Cradle me in your arms, Father, take care of me, wherever you may be.
Monday, August 04, 2003Be very very strong.
Oh God, though what I feel like doing is to hurl myself out of the window right now. But never to hit the ground. Lift me up and let me fly above the massive destruction I see on the ground. Let me be buried 6 feet under, to feel life pulsating within the earth, to feel the soft murmur of my inner thoughts as I lay there, passive, waiting...waiting to be dug out, and cremated. Let my ashes scatter the earth, perhaps as showers of blessing, or plain irritation to the passing world. Let my soul be free, of everything but pure love I feel for those I really love out there, deep within my heart and soul.
Release the energy flowing within, let it radiate to all corners of my sphere. One can get up again. Pummel me again and again, I will get up again. I will stand tall, to carry your name, to carry your pride within me. Your daughter will not collapse. I will get up again.
Cradle me in your arms, Father, take care of me, wherever you may be.
Monday blues.
Thank you for being there for me.
Saturday, August 02, 2003Thank you for being there for me.

discovered this in my computer, when we were trying out this child-art thing at Tampines Mall.
Its Friday. Finally a breather? I do not think so.
Feeling :
Feeling :