I found out for myself again that it is one thing having a professional stylist style your hair and another thing just combing through your hair without giving a damn about how your hair looks. Haha, another bad hair day, but it wasn't that bad. *smiles*
"Bully Christina" day turned out to be "Bully Christina" morning. Poor girl, don't feel bad okay? We definitely didn't mean it. *hugs* Tomorrow will turn out fine, don't worry don't worry!
Being the slack ol' me, I didn't go for PE. Went back to sleep. Mmm. *winks*
I suddenly remembered how my primary school song goes. Every single word. If only I have such a good memory for my current Geography and Literature stuff now...sigh. Hmm.
With gladness of hearts, we join in song.
With loyalty and oneness, of my sweet throng.
Tampines Primary School, place of my youth
Fountain of intelligence, goodwill and truth.
Our teachers we do honour and obey
We shall never slacken come what may
Duty and obedience shall we be schooled
Onward Tampines Primary School.
Haha. Go ahead, roll your eyes. The song IS nice!
Feeling :
Wednesday, July 30, 2003"Bully Christina" day turned out to be "Bully Christina" morning. Poor girl, don't feel bad okay? We definitely didn't mean it. *hugs* Tomorrow will turn out fine, don't worry don't worry!
Being the slack ol' me, I didn't go for PE. Went back to sleep. Mmm. *winks*
I suddenly remembered how my primary school song goes. Every single word. If only I have such a good memory for my current Geography and Literature stuff now...sigh. Hmm.
With gladness of hearts, we join in song.
With loyalty and oneness, of my sweet throng.
Tampines Primary School, place of my youth
Fountain of intelligence, goodwill and truth.
Our teachers we do honour and obey
We shall never slacken come what may
Duty and obedience shall we be schooled
Onward Tampines Primary School.
Haha. Go ahead, roll your eyes. The song IS nice!
Feeling :

Cut my hair today.
Mmm, feeling quite pleased about it because the stylist managed to style it so well. But its a different story when I came back home. Haha. I need hair-wax! Anyways, yeah, he was pretty chatty...entertained me and my hair for a good one and a half hour before I got out of the salon. Definitely going back to him again.
Met mummy for dinner, started telling her everything about my haircut experience blah blah blahhhh. Had nice fried beef, mMmmmm~ Earlier attended a NUS Geography Department talk, Dr Savage gave a talk. He was so good, so entertaining, the mini-lecture he gave was super enriching. Yeah, made me consider taking Geography in NUS next year or something...very confused, don't know whether to head to NTU for teaching course directly or NUS first. Guess I'll go find out more first...
Back to work. Sigh. Such mundane happenings in my life.
Feeling :
Monday, July 28, 2003Mmm, feeling quite pleased about it because the stylist managed to style it so well. But its a different story when I came back home. Haha. I need hair-wax! Anyways, yeah, he was pretty chatty...entertained me and my hair for a good one and a half hour before I got out of the salon. Definitely going back to him again.
Met mummy for dinner, started telling her everything about my haircut experience blah blah blahhhh. Had nice fried beef, mMmmmm~ Earlier attended a NUS Geography Department talk, Dr Savage gave a talk. He was so good, so entertaining, the mini-lecture he gave was super enriching. Yeah, made me consider taking Geography in NUS next year or something...very confused, don't know whether to head to NTU for teaching course directly or NUS first. Guess I'll go find out more first...
Back to work. Sigh. Such mundane happenings in my life.
Feeling :

Monday bluuuues.
Looking at the schedule I have (purple text), somebody better save me soon.
Soooo many tests! Not as if we aren't studying enough. Honestly, can't they just leave us alone with our study timetables and go bother those who don't do their work?
Bleargh. Back to work AGAIN.
Feeling :
Saturday, July 26, 2003Looking at the schedule I have (purple text), somebody better save me soon.
Soooo many tests! Not as if we aren't studying enough. Honestly, can't they just leave us alone with our study timetables and go bother those who don't do their work?
Bleargh. Back to work AGAIN.
Feeling :

Distinction!!! *yells*
So that settles my Grade 8 theory. *beams*
Okay. Enough. I have to get down to work.
*scampers off to the table*
Friday, July 25, 2003So that settles my Grade 8 theory. *beams*
Okay. Enough. I have to get down to work.
*scampers off to the table*
Sakae sushi's buffet.
Back to TM, tried on this pair of khaki material pants at U2, dammit. Everything fits, just that my thighs look as if they were gonna burst out of the pants soon. Bahhhhh. All these cuttings, made for people with no thigh muscles. *snarls*
Did this child-art thingy with HY and Suz, those two. Tsk. You know where they have pictures drawn with black fabric paint whereby you fill in the gaps with any kinda colors you want, then go bake it and taa-daa its ready? Yeah. Complete with entire package of baby chairs and tables, three 18 year olds, all lanky and everything sitting awkwardly at a table, grasping at bottles of (fabric?) paint. Rather embarrassing. But oh well, the fun laughter peace and joy of it. All for our dearest sista. *smiles*
Theory results tomorrow!
Feeling :
Thursday, July 24, 2003Back to TM, tried on this pair of khaki material pants at U2, dammit. Everything fits, just that my thighs look as if they were gonna burst out of the pants soon. Bahhhhh. All these cuttings, made for people with no thigh muscles. *snarls*
Did this child-art thingy with HY and Suz, those two. Tsk. You know where they have pictures drawn with black fabric paint whereby you fill in the gaps with any kinda colors you want, then go bake it and taa-daa its ready? Yeah. Complete with entire package of baby chairs and tables, three 18 year olds, all lanky and everything sitting awkwardly at a table, grasping at bottles of (fabric?) paint. Rather embarrassing. But oh well, the fun laughter peace and joy of it. All for our dearest sista. *smiles*
Theory results tomorrow!
Feeling :

I don't want to panic. I really don't want to panic. But I simply couldn't help it today. I don't understand how come I can be so easily pushed over by peer pressure, was more confident in the case study of Brazil but I chose to do a case study on Italy instead, something I read through only this morning. *sigh* Suffered from a mental block during this pathetic essay as well, I wonder when I am ever going to pass my Human Geog essay. I realised all these 1 and a half years has been a bluff, with me acing my Physical Geog to make up for my lousy grades in Human Geography. A bluff.
I hate seeing myself so weak now as well. Though most people will probably hate PE and everything, I somehow don't feel the satisfaction I often get during trainings when I push myself to the limit. Slide all the way down to hit the bottom with a huge thump is the state of my mental strength now. I miss trainings, I miss the mental strength trainings everytime I play a bad bowling game. Its like, losing control of yourself, because you now think: I can't do it anymore.
Oh well. Its just the prelims. I have to make a break through. Prove myself, to the whole world. To my sneering relatives who never have faith in me.
Feeling :
nua. to put it in english, its...i-don't-wish-to-move-tired.
Wednesday, July 23, 2003I hate seeing myself so weak now as well. Though most people will probably hate PE and everything, I somehow don't feel the satisfaction I often get during trainings when I push myself to the limit. Slide all the way down to hit the bottom with a huge thump is the state of my mental strength now. I miss trainings, I miss the mental strength trainings everytime I play a bad bowling game. Its like, losing control of yourself, because you now think: I can't do it anymore.
Oh well. Its just the prelims. I have to make a break through. Prove myself, to the whole world. To my sneering relatives who never have faith in me.
Feeling :

Failure to complete plan for today. At the end of the day, I always studied less than usual. All because of you, you fool. Don't call me when I'm studying next time. *snarls* No, sweetie, I wasn't referring to you. Its somebody else.
I have wasted so much time todayyyyyy :(
Or have I? Or am I just so slow in absorbing a new chapter into my brain? Maybe the time spent was worth it, just that I am not in time to finish up studying for tomorrow's test. So much for skipping school today. Oh well. At least I got to sleep. Left ear-lobe is swollen, I wonder why. Theory results are out, yikes. I wonder how I fared this time. Have to head down to Taka to get it..argh. My distinction? *doleful look*
Feeling :
Tuesday, July 22, 2003I have wasted so much time todayyyyyy :(
Or have I? Or am I just so slow in absorbing a new chapter into my brain? Maybe the time spent was worth it, just that I am not in time to finish up studying for tomorrow's test. So much for skipping school today. Oh well. At least I got to sleep. Left ear-lobe is swollen, I wonder why. Theory results are out, yikes. I wonder how I fared this time. Have to head down to Taka to get it..argh. My distinction? *doleful look*
Feeling :

Today's a b-e-a-uuuutiful day :)
Failed to meet Bernie at Bedok in the morning AGAIN. Funny how I am always so late every morning. Nightmare last night. Dreamt someone was chasing after me waving a parang in the air, with an evil look. *shivers* Okay, plan for tomorrow. Wake up at 7. Go for a jog? (prolly won't do it), supposedly bathe and get started on wretched human geography notes.
Like I said. Today is a beautiful day.
I love spending times with you like this.
Feeling :
Monday, July 21, 2003Failed to meet Bernie at Bedok in the morning AGAIN. Funny how I am always so late every morning. Nightmare last night. Dreamt someone was chasing after me waving a parang in the air, with an evil look. *shivers* Okay, plan for tomorrow. Wake up at 7. Go for a jog? (prolly won't do it), supposedly bathe and get started on wretched human geography notes.
Like I said. Today is a beautiful day.
I love spending times with you like this.
Feeling :

Layla Kaylif - Shakespeare in Love
He's fought and he's fallen
He's on his knees before he's on his feet
A sinister romantic
Oh, he's about to be and she's about to see
Teachin' torches to burn bright
She's hanging on the cheek of night
A snowy dove trooping with crows
He never saw true beauty till tonight
She'll take him to the brink of deliverance
Show him that much
Oh, don't you know it
Oh, don't you know it
So he falls in love to feel that he's falling
She'll let him know his heart
Oh, don't you know it
Oh, don't you know it
That's Shakespeare in love**
He's fought and he's fallen
He's on his knees before he's on his feet
A glittery romantic
Oh, he's about to be and she's about to see
His bounty's boundless like the sea
His love is endless, just as deep
The more he gives the more he has
`Cause both of them are truly infinite
That's Shakespeare in love
A sinister romantic
He's on his knees before he's on his feet
He's fought and he's fallen
He's on his knees before he's on his feet
A sinister romantic
Oh, he's about to be and she's about to see
Teachin' torches to burn bright
She's hanging on the cheek of night
A snowy dove trooping with crows
He never saw true beauty till tonight
He's fought and he's fallen
He's on his knees before he's on his feet
A glittery romantic
Oh, he's about to be and she's about to see
His bounty's boundless like the sea
His love is endless, just as deep
The more he gives the more he has
`Cause both of them are truly infinite
That's Shakespeare in love
A sinister romantic
He's on his knees before he's on his feet
** (x2)
That's Shakespeare in love.
He's fought and he's fallen
He's on his knees before he's on his feet
A sinister romantic
Oh, he's about to be and she's about to see
Teachin' torches to burn bright
She's hanging on the cheek of night
A snowy dove trooping with crows
He never saw true beauty till tonight
She'll take him to the brink of deliverance
Show him that much
Oh, don't you know it
Oh, don't you know it
So he falls in love to feel that he's falling
She'll let him know his heart
Oh, don't you know it
Oh, don't you know it
That's Shakespeare in love**
He's fought and he's fallen
He's on his knees before he's on his feet
A glittery romantic
Oh, he's about to be and she's about to see
His bounty's boundless like the sea
His love is endless, just as deep
The more he gives the more he has
`Cause both of them are truly infinite
That's Shakespeare in love
A sinister romantic
He's on his knees before he's on his feet
He's fought and he's fallen
He's on his knees before he's on his feet
A sinister romantic
Oh, he's about to be and she's about to see
Teachin' torches to burn bright
She's hanging on the cheek of night
A snowy dove trooping with crows
He never saw true beauty till tonight
He's fought and he's fallen
He's on his knees before he's on his feet
A glittery romantic
Oh, he's about to be and she's about to see
His bounty's boundless like the sea
His love is endless, just as deep
The more he gives the more he has
`Cause both of them are truly infinite
That's Shakespeare in love
A sinister romantic
He's on his knees before he's on his feet
** (x2)
That's Shakespeare in love.
Redid new color scheme. Basically its just a splatter of colours. Thanks Xtina, for encouraging me to go ahead and be bold. *smiles*
Feeling rather good, at least I'm able to put something that I created myself on my blog, even if its just a teeny weeny lil' thing, its STRIPEY! *yells madly*
Read another novel, "Chloe" by Freya North. About this girl named Chloe whose god-mother Jocelyn passed away recently, but before that she leaves Chloe a letter saying that she ought to dump her boyfriend (awful) and quit her job (lousy). Haha, and after that go explore UK itself. (Was it UK? I think so.) Yeah, so Chloe travels about the country. From Wales, to a farm deep in the Black Mountains, to Scotland and finally Cornall where she eventually finds her inheritence - a lovely house that her god-mother left her. For every season Chloe ends up in a different area, where she discovers love, lust, life - and a man for each season. Very sweet story...mmmm. Of course Chloe finally settles down in Cornall with her perfect guy William. *awwww*
Now gotta get back to wretched Geography.
Feeling :
dreamy and hopelessly romantic.
Saturday, July 19, 2003Feeling rather good, at least I'm able to put something that I created myself on my blog, even if its just a teeny weeny lil' thing, its STRIPEY! *yells madly*
Read another novel, "Chloe" by Freya North. About this girl named Chloe whose god-mother Jocelyn passed away recently, but before that she leaves Chloe a letter saying that she ought to dump her boyfriend (awful) and quit her job (lousy). Haha, and after that go explore UK itself. (Was it UK? I think so.) Yeah, so Chloe travels about the country. From Wales, to a farm deep in the Black Mountains, to Scotland and finally Cornall where she eventually finds her inheritence - a lovely house that her god-mother left her. For every season Chloe ends up in a different area, where she discovers love, lust, life - and a man for each season. Very sweet story...mmmm. Of course Chloe finally settles down in Cornall with her perfect guy William. *awwww*
Now gotta get back to wretched Geography.
Feeling :

Oooh my goodness. I hate craaaamps. *wails*
Couldn't concentrate the whole morning and the entire afternoon coz' of those stupid cramps, and I don't want to be dependent on painkillers...but just took two today. argh. So there goes almost my entire day...wasted! *sigh* I know I could have done more work, like for example, finish up my stupid S paper question. s-i-g-h.
Headed over to the library later in the afternoon to spend some time curling up in a corner with a trashy novel, kinda pleased with what I read, not really trashy but its about the love between an American woman and a man living in China, except that his father is an American (that was why he could communicate really well with her). Yeah, about her learning the different Chinese cultures, how to use chopsticks, how to appreaciate tim sum, tai-ji etc etc. Lotsa sharing between the man and her, about him cooking different types of food for her and everything...really really sweet, but as much as she wanted to, she couldn't bring herself to live in China if she wants to be with him, because she simply couldn't accept the dirty political scene in China, and him not wanting to leave China because of some blah blah blah roots and other stuff. Yeah. So they became what he calls the two lovers who meet together once a year on the bridge formed by birds (was it pigeons or something?).
Bought two boxes of Maltesers chocolates, and a huge stick of Toberlone. How sinful. *smiles* Oh well. At least Miss PMS is gone.
Feeling :
Friday, July 18, 2003Couldn't concentrate the whole morning and the entire afternoon coz' of those stupid cramps, and I don't want to be dependent on painkillers...but just took two today. argh. So there goes almost my entire day...wasted! *sigh* I know I could have done more work, like for example, finish up my stupid S paper question. s-i-g-h.
Headed over to the library later in the afternoon to spend some time curling up in a corner with a trashy novel, kinda pleased with what I read, not really trashy but its about the love between an American woman and a man living in China, except that his father is an American (that was why he could communicate really well with her). Yeah, about her learning the different Chinese cultures, how to use chopsticks, how to appreaciate tim sum, tai-ji etc etc. Lotsa sharing between the man and her, about him cooking different types of food for her and everything...really really sweet, but as much as she wanted to, she couldn't bring herself to live in China if she wants to be with him, because she simply couldn't accept the dirty political scene in China, and him not wanting to leave China because of some blah blah blah roots and other stuff. Yeah. So they became what he calls the two lovers who meet together once a year on the bridge formed by birds (was it pigeons or something?).
Bought two boxes of Maltesers chocolates, and a huge stick of Toberlone. How sinful. *smiles* Oh well. At least Miss PMS is gone.
Feeling :

I think I'm gonna have permanent pms. Don't feel any up-mood these days. Blearghz. All I want to do is to really yell at this particular someone. Someone who deserves to be yelled at, slapped and kicked round the soccer field until he realises that he is nothing but a spoilt brat of 18 years. While I am still at it I may as well add in that he's probably a chauvanistic pig, smart but lazy and everything else. To make the picture more complete, he seriously needs a reflection upon himself, attitude and all. Blearghz.
Alright. Was talking to Mum about how irritating certain guys can be, about how they are so chauvanistic and all, about how they don't bother to even lend a helping hand unless that particular female happens to be their girlfriends or something. Yeah, not to mention I complained about how horrible the majority of my school guys are. Not 100% horrible in that sense, or maybe I was just super pms-ing or something. Hahaha.
Anywayyyy. Rather slack day for me today, although morning was pretty hectic coz' I thought I'd be screwed if I don't finish up at least some Literature work for the next period and there I was multi-tasking away. Copying maths notes, reading the damn prose passage, and making notes, and trying to listen to the maths lecturer and all. And you have to come and tell me that you're bored. I am amazed. *laughs* Turned out that Mr Hunter (lit tutorial) didn't start on the new prose but continued on, at least the previous passage was much more interesting and I can relate to it. Yes, main character was a grumpy old grandmother. I felt exactly like her when I get into really bad moods. Which is rather much of a saddd case. *wry smile*
Banished initial thought of cycling over to Pasir Ris to tan myself. Too little time. Still thinking about whether to head down to Classic Bowl for training tomorrow. Fingers are itching to grab my darling ball and hurl it down the lanes. The sound of all pins crashing down still rings in my head. Mmmm. Lovely.
Thinking of heading down to the library to study a little, grab some trashy novels and start reading when I feel like it. Back to hermit crab lifestyle.
Feeling :
slightly recharged.
Thursday, July 17, 2003Alright. Was talking to Mum about how irritating certain guys can be, about how they are so chauvanistic and all, about how they don't bother to even lend a helping hand unless that particular female happens to be their girlfriends or something. Yeah, not to mention I complained about how horrible the majority of my school guys are. Not 100% horrible in that sense, or maybe I was just super pms-ing or something. Hahaha.
Anywayyyy. Rather slack day for me today, although morning was pretty hectic coz' I thought I'd be screwed if I don't finish up at least some Literature work for the next period and there I was multi-tasking away. Copying maths notes, reading the damn prose passage, and making notes, and trying to listen to the maths lecturer and all. And you have to come and tell me that you're bored. I am amazed. *laughs* Turned out that Mr Hunter (lit tutorial) didn't start on the new prose but continued on, at least the previous passage was much more interesting and I can relate to it. Yes, main character was a grumpy old grandmother. I felt exactly like her when I get into really bad moods. Which is rather much of a saddd case. *wry smile*
Banished initial thought of cycling over to Pasir Ris to tan myself. Too little time. Still thinking about whether to head down to Classic Bowl for training tomorrow. Fingers are itching to grab my darling ball and hurl it down the lanes. The sound of all pins crashing down still rings in my head. Mmmm. Lovely.
Thinking of heading down to the library to study a little, grab some trashy novels and start reading when I feel like it. Back to hermit crab lifestyle.
Feeling :

Cedar Girls' Secondary School
The School That Suited You Most!
brought to you by Quizilla
So what was I doing back in TKGS then?
"I feel pretty and happy and gaaaaayyyy!"
Day started dull. Blearghz. Xtina, don't worry so much about what we were talking about in the library this afternoon, bo chup's the attitude, girl. *smiles*
Squid fritter at last, thank you so so much!!! *muackz*
Its rather comforting to know that even though I just scraped through the common tests, my tutors believe that it is a fluke. (if that is how you spell it.) I'd like to believe it is so too, at least, they had more faith and confidence in me than I ever had in myself. I don't know how to put it, but even a simple sentence from Mr Chung made a difference, about him thinking I don't need GP remedial although my marks declare that I need it. But I do have to admit this time's common test results made me realise how much I have got to go, or rather, how much I lack in standard wise. Looking at the expectations I set for myself, I think its pretty realistic. Because I have been disappointed once and I don't plan to repeat the same mistake all over again.
Still, every night as I insert a new entry, I never fail to think of the people that made my life so complete.
A special someone, three girl-friends that have stood by me no-matter-what/how, my tutors, and the entire circle of friends I have made.
Feeling :
Wednesday, July 16, 2003Day started dull. Blearghz. Xtina, don't worry so much about what we were talking about in the library this afternoon, bo chup's the attitude, girl. *smiles*
Squid fritter at last, thank you so so much!!! *muackz*
Its rather comforting to know that even though I just scraped through the common tests, my tutors believe that it is a fluke. (if that is how you spell it.) I'd like to believe it is so too, at least, they had more faith and confidence in me than I ever had in myself. I don't know how to put it, but even a simple sentence from Mr Chung made a difference, about him thinking I don't need GP remedial although my marks declare that I need it. But I do have to admit this time's common test results made me realise how much I have got to go, or rather, how much I lack in standard wise. Looking at the expectations I set for myself, I think its pretty realistic. Because I have been disappointed once and I don't plan to repeat the same mistake all over again.
Still, every night as I insert a new entry, I never fail to think of the people that made my life so complete.
A special someone, three girl-friends that have stood by me no-matter-what/how, my tutors, and the entire circle of friends I have made.
Feeling :

Pretty much spells out how my day had been.
I'm beginning to think I have a dual personality or something, getting all moody and everything when I'm at home, and putting on a smile for the world out there. Till the point where I don't know which one of myself I actually am. Maybe I am just confusing myself on purpose, or maybe I am genuinely this way since I developed my character. *muses* But I do believe everybody has a dark side, where no one has seen before. After all, nobody can stay cheery permanently, we do need a break.
"All the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players."
Tuesday, July 15, 2003Pretty much spells out how my day had been.
I'm beginning to think I have a dual personality or something, getting all moody and everything when I'm at home, and putting on a smile for the world out there. Till the point where I don't know which one of myself I actually am. Maybe I am just confusing myself on purpose, or maybe I am genuinely this way since I developed my character. *muses* But I do believe everybody has a dark side, where no one has seen before. After all, nobody can stay cheery permanently, we do need a break.
"All the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players."

You're the loving smile,the one that is entirely
devoted to others,especially that one
person.You really can't get them out of your
head,but then,you don't really want to.
What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Its half-price for waffles at Gelare today! Mmmm, ice cream taste just so good... *smacks lips* Met good ol' Trina, she's still the same as she was last year. The moment she stepped into Gelare she had me laughing until my stomach hurts. Haha. She's just so funneeeee. *grins* Good to see her after such a long time arrrrrrrrr.
Saw this poor guy carrying his girlfriend's tote bag today, gosh. It made him look so gay. I pity the guys whose girlfriends make them carry their bags. Don't know why, but I just don't like the idea of a guy carrying a girl's bag. Its rather...weird. No, I certainly don't see it as the guy being Mr Nice to help his darling carry her bag, but just plain gay. Personal opinion anyway.
Feeling :
like crap.
Monday, July 14, 2003Saw this poor guy carrying his girlfriend's tote bag today, gosh. It made him look so gay. I pity the guys whose girlfriends make them carry their bags. Don't know why, but I just don't like the idea of a guy carrying a girl's bag. Its rather...weird. No, I certainly don't see it as the guy being Mr Nice to help his darling carry her bag, but just plain gay. Personal opinion anyway.
Feeling :

Somebody just slap me now. At long last, just in time before the prelims and the A-levels, I am jolted awake this afternoon when I received back my GP results. 2nd bottom in class. First failure in GP, and I have to fail really really badly. Whoever marked my paper, thank you for waking me up. Now I have to do something about GP. I don't want to have to miss the entry into university just because I failed my GP during the A levels. I don't know how to put it, but this prospect of failing GP really scared me stiff today. All along I have been so complacent about passing GP, it didn't occur to me at all that I may fail. Right. So there. I failed.
Everyday I could just see the minutes fly by. They go so fast, they just wriggle through my fingers in my feeble attempts to grasp at what is whirling by me. This time, I know deep down inside, I feel scared. Scared I will not make it to NTU after all.
LeeAn Rimes - How do I live Without You
How do I get through one night without you
If I had to live without you
What kind of life would that be
Oh I, I need you in my arms
Need you to hold
You're my world, my heart, my soul
If you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything good in my life
And tell me now
How do I live without you
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I
How do I
Oh, how do I live
Without you, there'd be no sun in my sky
There would be no love in my life
There'd be no world left for me
And I, oh Baby, I don't know what I would do
I'd be lost if I lost you
f you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything real in my life
And tell me now
How do I live without you
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I
How do I
Oh, how do I live
Please tell me baby
How do I go on
If you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything
Need you with me
Baby don't you know that you're everything good in my life
And tell me now
How do I live without you
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I
How do I
Oh, how do I live
how do I live without you
how do I live without you baby
how do I live....
feeling :
Saturday, July 12, 2003Everyday I could just see the minutes fly by. They go so fast, they just wriggle through my fingers in my feeble attempts to grasp at what is whirling by me. This time, I know deep down inside, I feel scared. Scared I will not make it to NTU after all.
LeeAn Rimes - How do I live Without You
How do I get through one night without you
If I had to live without you
What kind of life would that be
Oh I, I need you in my arms
Need you to hold
You're my world, my heart, my soul
If you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything good in my life
And tell me now
How do I live without you
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I
How do I
Oh, how do I live
Without you, there'd be no sun in my sky
There would be no love in my life
There'd be no world left for me
And I, oh Baby, I don't know what I would do
I'd be lost if I lost you
f you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything real in my life
And tell me now
How do I live without you
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I
How do I
Oh, how do I live
Please tell me baby
How do I go on
If you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything
Need you with me
Baby don't you know that you're everything good in my life
And tell me now
How do I live without you
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I
How do I
Oh, how do I live
how do I live without you
how do I live without you baby
how do I live....
feeling :

I hate the idea of waking up early on a Saturday morning.
Met Suz, HY at Tampines MRT at 12pm. Headed down to Orchard to eat at Genki Sushi. Xtina, freaking late. *shakes head* Nevertheless, we headed towards PaperPlus, they were selling really cheap clothes. Tried on a mini beige skirt and a 3/4 khaki-material skirt. I certainly look weird in 3/4 lengths. Settled for the beige skirt instead. Watched Suz tried on sandals..and more sandals. By this time, our dear girl was ready to meet us and we chiong-ed to Genki Sushi to fill our stomachs. Come to think of it, we ate pretty fast *amazed* So spent the time shopping. Ooo. Tried on more clothes and more clothes. Zara, Far-East Plaza, Isetan, Roxy, Stussy. Not to mention ice-cream as dessert. What a real tai-tai day. I suppose Suz must have elaborated more in her blog, so I'm so not gonna type out today's events. I'm tired. My legs (and hands) need a rest.
Bought what I wanted though. *happiness*
Now I'm craving for Old Chang Kee. aggh.
And thank goodness. Everything's fine again.
Feeling :
Friday, July 11, 2003Met Suz, HY at Tampines MRT at 12pm. Headed down to Orchard to eat at Genki Sushi. Xtina, freaking late. *shakes head* Nevertheless, we headed towards PaperPlus, they were selling really cheap clothes. Tried on a mini beige skirt and a 3/4 khaki-material skirt. I certainly look weird in 3/4 lengths. Settled for the beige skirt instead. Watched Suz tried on sandals..and more sandals. By this time, our dear girl was ready to meet us and we chiong-ed to Genki Sushi to fill our stomachs. Come to think of it, we ate pretty fast *amazed* So spent the time shopping. Ooo. Tried on more clothes and more clothes. Zara, Far-East Plaza, Isetan, Roxy, Stussy. Not to mention ice-cream as dessert. What a real tai-tai day. I suppose Suz must have elaborated more in her blog, so I'm so not gonna type out today's events. I'm tired. My legs (and hands) need a rest.
Bought what I wanted though. *happiness*
Now I'm craving for Old Chang Kee. aggh.
And thank goodness. Everything's fine again.
Feeling :

Did this out of pure boredom when Mrs Lau was explaining some Gothic stuff during Literature lecture.
It just amazes me how I can be put off putting up more pictures online after that stupid incident. I feel like cursing the guy, I hope he ends up having a bra superglued to him 24/7 in future. Rargh. I shall put them up, after I create more webspace to upload the pictures. And after I edit all the pictures on my comp to reduce the file size. So many things to do. Was supposed to go home early to do some house keeping today, and as usual, I fell asleep again. Its getting harder to wake up these days, I just want more sleep. So much so that I can forget even the most important thing. I'm sorry. I really am.
Just realised its only about 7 more weeks that the class will be together. In a short span of probably 1 and a half years, I am going to leave a circle of friends I have created when I step into a new environment again. It is so hard to believe that 4 of us have only spent time together like, a few months? and now we're gonna be on our seperate paths again. Two bowls of Tom Yam sliced fish soup, a plate of rojak, soya bean milk shared at a hawker centre opposite our school can be so fufilling. Topics on how old we're gonna live to, how crazy we can all be...the common bruises we shared while ice-skating, eating, eating, eating. Snapping away, cheesy smiles. Fashion. Guys. Achieving the look. Tips and tricks on how to deal with our PMS. Whining away. Sitting together in tutorials, lectures. Doodling away. Trying to eat discreetly in lecture theatres and tutorials. Passing messages. Going to the loo together. Standing in front of the full-length mirror and just..looking. Telling one another that we look fine, no changes needed. Sleeping in lecture theatres. Copying notes. Suffering period cramps, and no problem, we understand. The Panadol Menstrual pill. It further extends out from the four of us, to the rest of the class. 36/02 has got to be the free-st class I've ever known. Laughing at the silly things we do everyday just for the sake of being lame, swaping friendly insults across the class, screaming for help when we obviously have not attempted any tutorial assignments, and eating in class again *rolls eyes* Everybody is unique in their character in some way, yet something remarkable holds the class somewhat together.
The times I had to whine about my lousy stomach, you all whine about cramps.
Rushing opposite to eat the lovely Tom Yam (but I had to settle for fried rice)
Tom Yam instant noodles in El Cafe
How affected can we be by guys, but we always pick ourselves up
Always saying we want to go on diet (remember the fruits diet?) but never succeeding
Anticipation for grad night
Stupid arguments
...and more.
whatever it is, I love you all so much :)
Feeling :

You are a.. PREP! This isn't really a subculture,
just the defenition of normal. You act normal.
You talk normal. Hell, you look normal. You
have a tendency to agree with what everyone
else says, and just go with the flow. You
especially look down upon people who try to be
different.. psh.
The Subculture Label Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Stamina sucky as ever. I must run regularly.
Feeling good. Bought 2 highlighters, 2 caligraphy-type pens, 2 pen refills. Such cheap thrills I look for. *shakes head*
Feeling :

Its only the 2nd day of Term 3 and I'm feeling slightly stressed. Maths tutorials to do, lit essay due, more notes to take down for the next lit lecture, and the next lecture, money to pay up for notes, photocopied $2 worth of human geography case studies to memorize in preperation for the big As, Chinese Oral next friday, Listening Compre this Sat, just finished some crap Desertification presentation today, not looking forward to my JCT results coz I just screwed my maths up, i had a 34, probably a grade F. Yeah. And there's probably more to come.
There's suddenly so much work to do. *slight panic button depressed within her* Alright, spent the day reading this novel called Can You Keep A Secret by Sophie Kinsella, borrowed from Suz. Made me realised how long I haven't been reading novels lately, I think the last time I read one was the beginning of last year. Omg. I miss such trashy novels and all. Story was super sweet, it really makes you go "Awwww". Yes, I finished it within a day. Okay, this stupid guy with some crap phone number that goes like 67555blah blah blah called for the sixth time (yes I counted) and asked for a girl called Sabrina. Ah. Quit calling me. Maybe I shall go like "oh hello darlinggg! I am Sabrina, I miss you soo sooooo much!" Yeah right. *rolls eyes*
Finally got my studs off, thanx to dear Suz. :) Thank you so much! *smiles*
What else. Tried to do up Xtina's blog. Stoooopid tag-board refuses to go where I want it to go to. This is driving me nuts. Confession : I ate a small can of Pringles. Total fat - 20g, 31% of daily value. Oh my gawd.
Feeling :
Tuesday, July 08, 2003There's suddenly so much work to do. *slight panic button depressed within her* Alright, spent the day reading this novel called Can You Keep A Secret by Sophie Kinsella, borrowed from Suz. Made me realised how long I haven't been reading novels lately, I think the last time I read one was the beginning of last year. Omg. I miss such trashy novels and all. Story was super sweet, it really makes you go "Awwww". Yes, I finished it within a day. Okay, this stupid guy with some crap phone number that goes like 67555blah blah blah called for the sixth time (yes I counted) and asked for a girl called Sabrina. Ah. Quit calling me. Maybe I shall go like "oh hello darlinggg! I am Sabrina, I miss you soo sooooo much!" Yeah right. *rolls eyes*
Finally got my studs off, thanx to dear Suz. :) Thank you so much! *smiles*
What else. Tried to do up Xtina's blog. Stoooopid tag-board refuses to go where I want it to go to. This is driving me nuts. Confession : I ate a small can of Pringles. Total fat - 20g, 31% of daily value. Oh my gawd.
Feeling :

My school's Operations Manager is pretty free. Free enough to stalk after us. Sigh. Get a life.
Stoned. Spaced out from staring and typing at the lousy school computer's keyboard which is probably hard, finger-cracking and filled with goodness-knows-what-dirt there is to be found there. *disgusted* Nevertheless. Geography presentation. 90% done. Yay. School was terrible, its hard to get used to the timing again, I'm falling asleep nearly every period. Guess my July Common Tests results weren't that fantastic, I expected it anyway. Gotta start working hard from now on. It is so easy to say, yet so very hard to do. I believe I can anyway. *smiles*
Hershey's Cookies and Cream chocalate on my table now. How sinful. Every sentence I type, I take an extra bite. I shallstop.
Feeling :
Monday, July 07, 2003Stoned. Spaced out from staring and typing at the lousy school computer's keyboard which is probably hard, finger-cracking and filled with goodness-knows-what-dirt there is to be found there. *disgusted* Nevertheless. Geography presentation. 90% done. Yay. School was terrible, its hard to get used to the timing again, I'm falling asleep nearly every period. Guess my July Common Tests results weren't that fantastic, I expected it anyway. Gotta start working hard from now on. It is so easy to say, yet so very hard to do. I believe I can anyway. *smiles*
Hershey's Cookies and Cream chocalate on my table now. How sinful. Every sentence I type, I take an extra bite. I shallstop.
Feeling :

That's it. I have resorted to...to..Tagboard instead. New problem, I can't change the background colour from white to black!
Somebody HELP me again...
And. What are my Shout Outs for. An alternative to that stupid Tagboard. Use them people, use them! *roars*
Somebody HELP me again...
And. What are my Shout Outs for. An alternative to that stupid Tagboard. Use them people, use them! *roars*
Ahhhh. stupid Flooble Chatterbox. Can anybody tell me how to limit its size? It seems to stretch on FOREVERRRRRRRRRRR.
I figured out its too messy a layout. Too many things I wanna say, too many things I wanna put. Oh well. I don't know I don't care. At least at this point of time. School's reopening tomorrow, time to get back to the school timing, AGAIN. Seems like everyone out there has bought alot of things, I haven't bought anything new I guess, except for earings which I haven't worn yet. *rolls eyes*
Wednesday's geography presentation on Desertification. Did a rough layout today, I hope the content is enough. So much for staying at home on Youth Day holiday. At least. I don't get to see the little kids out there play. They are plain nuisance. *grumpy look*
Mood :
Sunday, July 06, 2003I figured out its too messy a layout. Too many things I wanna say, too many things I wanna put. Oh well. I don't know I don't care. At least at this point of time. School's reopening tomorrow, time to get back to the school timing, AGAIN. Seems like everyone out there has bought alot of things, I haven't bought anything new I guess, except for earings which I haven't worn yet. *rolls eyes*
Wednesday's geography presentation on Desertification. Did a rough layout today, I hope the content is enough. So much for staying at home on Youth Day holiday. At least. I don't get to see the little kids out there play. They are plain nuisance. *grumpy look*
Mood :

I think my mother's words jarred me back to reality. I am indeed too self-centred.
Its rather difficult accepting that fact when I have been like that all the time, I simply don't know what to say. Oh well, I guess I'll just live as how I have always lived the past 18 years. Headed over to my uncle's condo to attend his house-warming, sigh. Swimming pool, gym, squash court all right in front of me, yet no attire fitted to do any of those activities. *sigh* All I could do was to stuff myself and lie on the couch and watch some sappy Taiwan movie. Blearghz.
The prawns sucked. Overcooked. Hard to peel off their shells. Result? Frustration sets in.
Oh my goodness! The glorious sun! And, the ever-perfect deckchair for me to lie down and get a tan. *gasps*
Mood :
bored silly.
Saturday, July 05, 2003Its rather difficult accepting that fact when I have been like that all the time, I simply don't know what to say. Oh well, I guess I'll just live as how I have always lived the past 18 years. Headed over to my uncle's condo to attend his house-warming, sigh. Swimming pool, gym, squash court all right in front of me, yet no attire fitted to do any of those activities. *sigh* All I could do was to stuff myself and lie on the couch and watch some sappy Taiwan movie. Blearghz.
The prawns sucked. Overcooked. Hard to peel off their shells. Result? Frustration sets in.

Oh my goodness! The glorious sun! And, the ever-perfect deckchair for me to lie down and get a tan. *gasps*
Mood :

and. new layout.
I simply can't make up my mind whether to change my entire blog layout because after browsing through like 30 skins, I decided that this one is still the best. The only problem is that, I can't put up a tag-board or add other nonsensical stuff at the sides because as you can see, its rather limited. Was thinking of -->this<-- as the next best option. Comments? I do need them.
Today began terrible. Woke up at 12 all ready to head down to Tangs to shop, only to discover from a sleepy Mummy that she doesn't wanna go out of the house. Excuse? "I still have many things to do." Oh well. Thanx for telling me at such a last last minute. Yeah, my initial plans had been cancelled because I wanted to go shopping with her, and now she kinda just, changed her mind and expected me to stay at home and keep her company? Yeah. Sigh. There goes my entire Saturday. I wonder what the hell I am doing at home on a Saturday.
That's that. Entire day ruined when I gave myself 5 days to play. Thanx alot MOM.
Mood :
boiling deep inside.
Friday, July 04, 2003Today began terrible. Woke up at 12 all ready to head down to Tangs to shop, only to discover from a sleepy Mummy that she doesn't wanna go out of the house. Excuse? "I still have many things to do." Oh well. Thanx for telling me at such a last last minute. Yeah, my initial plans had been cancelled because I wanted to go shopping with her, and now she kinda just, changed her mind and expected me to stay at home and keep her company? Yeah. Sigh. There goes my entire Saturday. I wonder what the hell I am doing at home on a Saturday.
That's that. Entire day ruined when I gave myself 5 days to play. Thanx alot MOM.
Mood :

Haven't been updating, I've been pondering whether to change the layout of my blog, but the particular purple one that I think was nice suddenly didn't look so nice after all? Dilemma. *groans* Anyway, I'm not even done editing yet. So I guess I'll just wait and see.
Its been a wonderful day with you, you know it as well as I do. There's nothing much more to be said. *smiles* Hmm, Charlie's Angels isn't as bad as the reviews made them out to be, or maybe I was too busy admiring Lucy Liu's toned body that I didn't pay much attention to the plot, which probably didn't meet expectations? Oh well. Yeah. That's about it. :)
Ice skating at Jurong's Fuji Ice Palace? :) It was raining so heavily in the morning, I had such a nice nice nice sleep...my mum just had to wake me up at 7 to close the door for her! Omg. Mum, spare me. Eventually got up at 10, made chicken sandwich, bathed and headed out to meet Suz and HY. The journey to Jurong was soo long. :\ Had fun skating, saw Jun Qiang there along with 1402. Wahaha. Yeah. Skated. Managed to master a turn, balanced on one leg tiptoed today. Hurrah. Attempted Para Para. Hoho, its rather fun come to think of it. *ponders*
I still don't know whether to change the layout. *sigh* For once. Dinner at home was good. Mum cooked PORK! *amazed* (considering I only eat fish and vegetables every night).
Mood :
Thursday, July 03, 2003Yesterday
Its been a wonderful day with you, you know it as well as I do. There's nothing much more to be said. *smiles* Hmm, Charlie's Angels isn't as bad as the reviews made them out to be, or maybe I was too busy admiring Lucy Liu's toned body that I didn't pay much attention to the plot, which probably didn't meet expectations? Oh well. Yeah. That's about it. :)
Ice skating at Jurong's Fuji Ice Palace? :) It was raining so heavily in the morning, I had such a nice nice nice sleep...my mum just had to wake me up at 7 to close the door for her! Omg. Mum, spare me. Eventually got up at 10, made chicken sandwich, bathed and headed out to meet Suz and HY. The journey to Jurong was soo long. :\ Had fun skating, saw Jun Qiang there along with 1402. Wahaha. Yeah. Skated. Managed to master a turn, balanced on one leg tiptoed today. Hurrah. Attempted Para Para. Hoho, its rather fun come to think of it. *ponders*
I still don't know whether to change the layout. *sigh* For once. Dinner at home was good. Mum cooked PORK! *amazed* (considering I only eat fish and vegetables every night).
Mood :

Papers all over. *heaves a huge sigh of relief* I can't believe how many dirty looks I got today after the Human Geog paper when I said that I don't take Econs. Haha. Happiness!
Went straight home to change and cycle over to East Coast Park. Met Mr Hunter along the way and he was giving me this really funny look, and went "Nice way to celebrate post exams!" Hoho. Covered whole of ECP, yay, but butt pain like crazy. It was torturous to sit back onto the bicycle seat. Yikes. Had a minor fall coz' I was attempting to cycle hands-free. Could do it on my old bike, but forgot that I am still not acustomed to this bike yet. Just teeny weeny scrapes. Went past the pond where hundreds of terrapins live in, saw a few big terrapins basking in the hot sun waving their flippers in the air. How comical. Darn. *curses herself for not bringing the camera*
The journey back was as slow as it could get. *grins* Had a great bath, discovered I am sunburnt. Just from 4+ hrs of cycling. Aching calf muscles, forearm muscles and burning shoulders. Red cheeks. Sheesh. OH. and my square bangle is GONE. GONE FROM THE RAAAACK. *pouts*
Met Suzanne and her sister. Surprisingly, my neighbour knew her sister. It was pretty shocking to hear both of them exclaim each other's names while I and Suz stared on dumbly. What a small world, yes Suz, its a small small world :)
Task now. Plan what to do tomorrow. Damn it. I hate it when I'm given so little time with him.
Mood :
red. happy.
Went straight home to change and cycle over to East Coast Park. Met Mr Hunter along the way and he was giving me this really funny look, and went "Nice way to celebrate post exams!" Hoho. Covered whole of ECP, yay, but butt pain like crazy. It was torturous to sit back onto the bicycle seat. Yikes. Had a minor fall coz' I was attempting to cycle hands-free. Could do it on my old bike, but forgot that I am still not acustomed to this bike yet. Just teeny weeny scrapes. Went past the pond where hundreds of terrapins live in, saw a few big terrapins basking in the hot sun waving their flippers in the air. How comical. Darn. *curses herself for not bringing the camera*
The journey back was as slow as it could get. *grins* Had a great bath, discovered I am sunburnt. Just from 4+ hrs of cycling. Aching calf muscles, forearm muscles and burning shoulders. Red cheeks. Sheesh. OH. and my square bangle is GONE. GONE FROM THE RAAAACK. *pouts*
Met Suzanne and her sister. Surprisingly, my neighbour knew her sister. It was pretty shocking to hear both of them exclaim each other's names while I and Suz stared on dumbly. What a small world, yes Suz, its a small small world :)
Task now. Plan what to do tomorrow. Damn it. I hate it when I'm given so little time with him.
Mood :